Chapter 43- I Don't Know How You Do It.

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(Lara's Pov)

I was brought out of my thoughts by someone tapping my shoulder, I turn around and immediately widen my eyes. "Hey, Lara." Wanda says, sitting next to me with an unamused face.

"Uh, hey?" I say turning forward.

"So, three days." She replies.

"Spent hiding from the news." I huff, knowing what was going to happen at the end of this.

"And from me." Wanda states with a slightly irate tone.

"I never meant to hide from you." I tell her.

"Didn't seem like it." She replies unconvinced.

"How'd you get here?" I ask her trying to change the subject.

"Nope, why did you stand me up?" Wanda turns the question around.

"Faye told you." I sigh, I knew that the second Faye picked up her phone something was going to happen.

"Why'd you stand me up?" She repeats.

"If you're here then that means you know the reason." I tell her, taking a sip of the coffee that was in a plastic cup which laid in front of me.

"Yeah, you stood me up to go after Quister." She hisses at me as her accent slips out.

"He was going to run away." I state.

"You could've told me that you were going after him so we could reschedule." Wanda says, folding her arms.

I stare at the cup in front of me. "You're not even going to try to make an excuse?" Wanda says.

"Nope." I reply, popping the 'p'.

"Unbelievable." She scoffs.

"I didn't mean to ditch you." I say, my eyes never leaving the cup.

"And I didn't mean to blast you through fog." She remarks.

"Where's Nat?" I question.

"Nope." She mimics me.

"Faye told you about the speech." I assume.

"Yeah, because she's a good person." Wanda remarks with a more annoyed tone.

"I'm not going to argue with you." I sigh as I take another sip of my cup.

"Why? Because you know that you fucked up?" She rhetorically questions with a chuckle.

"Exactly." I say, clearing my throat.

"What happened to you? God, you're being such an asshole right now." Wanda says, lightly slamming her fist on the bar.

"What happened is that I'm being questioned whether I'm a threat by the authorities or not." I reply, not wanting to continue.

"You are unbelievable. I-i don't know how you do it." She scorns.

"I don't know either." I agree with the Sokovian that was trying to not show her anger.

"I'm already sick of this." Wanda states.

"Yep." I reply.

"Did you even care about our date? Or was that a secondary objective to you? Am I a game to you? Th-that you can just get me high on whatever it is you do to me and then just leave me behind? You think I will just keep crawling back to you?" She questions me with a slightly raised voice.

I squeeze the plastic cup slightly. "No."

"Really? Because it sure feels like that. I mean you run off to Las Vegas to chase your past rather than spend it with me. God, I'm sorry for thinking that I am first to you, for a second I believed that entering this place and seeing you that some kind of happy ending would happen, but I was so, so, so wrong." Wanda laughs to herself as she stands up from her chair.

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