Chapter 91- Despondency.

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(Lara's Pov)
(5 hours later)

"Yo, Lizzie you here?" I shout into Olsen's house.

"Lara?" I hear a voice question tiredly from the couch.

"Hey." I say, walking to the couch, Olsen had laid flat on it, a pillow resting behind her head.

"Did you teleport here?" She asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes but in my defence my blood alcohol levels are way too high to drive and it's like 11:45pm." I tell her, looking at the clock quickly.

"You were drinking?" She questions.

"With my sister yeah, I drank half of a vodka bottle and then vomited for like 2 hours." I answer.

"Is there a reason that you're visiting me this late?" She asks.

"I wanted to check up on you after the whole Building explosion scenario." I reply, walking around and sitting in the armchair to the side of the couch.

"I'm fine, I got an Uber back, what about you? Are you fine?" She says, stretching her arms before sitting up.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I tell her, nodding my head.

"That fight with Thatcher is viral you know, every angle was captured as much as possible, especially the part where he stabbed you and you were bleeding out on the floor before that guy came and helped you." She responds.

Rolling my eyes, I look at Olsen. "I'm guessing every single news station is discussing it." I sigh.

"Yeah, so is the internet." She speaks.

"Did they also get the part where I stabbed him?" I ask.

"You mean the part where you slashed his left arm clean off?" She replies.

"He almost killed me." I tell her. "It was self-defence."

"You didn't think of arresting him?" She questions.

"I thought of it but then he stabbed me and walked off to kill Faye." I answer.

"How's Wanda?" Olsen asks.

"In a coma, whatever Thatcher did to her, overloaded her body." I answer, pulling out the yellow envelope from my back and holding it out to her. "Those are the results Bruce tested her for."

Lizzie grabs the envelope from my hand, opening the envelope and grabbing out the sheets that it contained. "I'm guessing this note he wrote explains it." She asks, lifting up a paper containing writing towards me.

"Yeah, he explained it all to me but he wrote that so I don't have to explain it to others." I tell her.

Olsen lowers the paper into her lap, her eyes flickering through it as she glanced at the other documents that contained everything else. "This is serious." She informs me. "He doesn't know when she's gonna wake up?" She questions, looking up at me for a second.

"He couldn't give me an actual estimated time, she could wake up in days, weeks, months maybe even years." I respond.

"Who knows so far?" She questions.

"The team does, Faye does, Sam doesn't, you do and the public doesn't know, no official statement has even been released by Tony yet." I tell her.

"Do you know when he will?" She asks.

"I assume he will in the upcoming days, maybe tomorrow but right now we're all just trying to relax ourselves to get morale back before we go back to figuring out what we need to do next." I answer.

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