Chapter 93- Constant Questions.

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"How was hanging out with Sam?" Bucky questions as I exit my bathroom.

"Dude! I just came out of the shower! What if I was naked?!" I shout, startled by his appearance.

Bucky looks at me with an unamused expression. "First of all, You're dating Wanda, second I don't have any sort of feelings towards you other than friendship and finally even if I did, I would get Tony to wipe my memory." He responds, walking to my bed and sitting on the end of it. "As I was saying, how was hanging out with Sam?" He repeats.

"Tony would wipe your mind if you said something smarter than him." I tell him, running my hand through my mostly dry hair. "Hanging out with Sam was fine, we ate at that Coppelia restaurant in NYC and then went running after a bit." I inform him, walking back into the bathroom, grabbing both my towel and old clothes.

"Anything else?" He asks.

"I told him about Wanda, asked him to make a new suit and that's about it." I respond, throwing the stuff onto the floor next to the bedroom door.

"Where's your bracelet?" Bucky says, folding his arms over his chest.

"I don't even know, my theory is that it must have broken in the middle of Thatcher and I's fight." I answer, shutting the bathroom door.

"Back at the base you said you had a lot of time to practice your powers, what happened there?" He questions.

"Bro, the amount of questions I'm getting these past two days is insane." I huff, beginning to become irritated.

"Alright, you don't have to tell me." Bucky states, raising his hands before falling back into the bed.

"Let me leave it at this for you Bucky." I say, leaning against the wall, looking him in the eyes. "I'm good." I tell him, getting off the wall, walking around my bed to my drawer, grabbing my phone off the top of it.

"Alright, I believe you, I'll leave it alone." He responds.

"How's Pietro?" I ask him, turning on my phone and noticing a message from Faye.

"He's good, he was starting to feel better when we watched movies with him." Bucky replies. "Nat says she saw him smile but I don't know how true that is." He continues.

Opening Faye's messages, I read the few she sent recently.

Fazey Wazey🥺:
Lara, I hate you, I woke up with a massive headache and could barely get out of bed.

Lars Bars🍫:
I never forced you to drink with me, that was your decision and you are responsible for it. 😏

"He's doing better than I am in that case." I tell Bucky looking up from my phone.

"You can't be doing that bad." He responds.

"I'm doing fine, it's just the amount of questions I've been asked about whether I'm okay or not is starting to feel like déja vu." I inform him. "I was fine with Faye, Olsen, Sam and you but God does it get annoying."

"If you're getting annoyed now, I couldn't imagine what would happen if you had a therapist." Bucky laughs, his tone playful.

Releasing a scoff, I look him in the eyes. "I would rather talk to Tony rather than have a therapist." I tell him.

"You say it like it's the worst thing you've ever done." Bucky responds.

"I'm exaggerating." I roll my eyes, looking back down at my phone before throwing it onto the bed.

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