A/N: Future going forward.

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Hey everyone, I hoped you enjoyed the book. I just want to go over a few things about this book and the future of what I'm doing.

I know it's a bit of a weird place to leave the book but it was how I planned to since I was going to write a sequel. I still will but that won't be for a while since I don't have the sequel started at all. When I say a while, I mean at least a year or two.

The reason I'm not immediately writing and uploading a sequel to this book now is because.

1. I have to fully think of what the plot what would be. I have ideas but not enough to start a sequel as of this moment.

And the other reason is because I'm in the middle of actively writing a second book. If you haven't checked my profile, I've been uploading a book called.

I Want You. (A Spider-Gwen/Gwen Stacy Book.)

So if you're interested in that, feel free to check that out but if you aren't. I will add on to when I'm writing a sequel which will be after I'm done writing the Spider-Gwen story. I don't want to have two seperate stories that I'm writing at the same time because it throws me off and I also don't really want to deal with keeping a consistent upload schedule with both books.

Anyway, thank you all for the 1.85k reads at the time that I'm uploading this. If you do end up wanting to read the Spider-Gwen book I hope you enjoy that one, I have a before the book starts going over a few details that you should be aware of.

To end off the A/N I'm gonna put all of the highest spot in ranking that Quantum Entanglement has in the categories it's placed in. Thank you all for the reads it means a lot more than most realise. Go show support to other small writers since it's quite mentally draining writing books. With that here are the top rankings Quantum Entanglement has hit.

Most impressive ranking for Quantum Entanglement.

#28 - Gxg (this is fucking insane and I never thought my book would get this high in a category that consists of 67k stories.)
#10 - Pietro
#31 - Scarlettwitch
#31 - Scarletwitch
#31 - Bucky
#97 - Buckybarnes
#98 -Maximoff
#321 - Wanda
#606 - Wandamaximoff
#90 - Thor
#100 - Blackwidow
#301 - Samwilson
#577 - Brucebanner

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