Chapter 4- The Floor Is Comfortable.

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I woke up on the floor of a grey room, I remembered what happened before I fell on the ground and fell asleep. I sat up fully taking in my surroundings. There was a table in the middle with chairs on either side, the table and what looked like painkillers and water, no food though so much for a welcoming accommodation. I stood up slowly not trusting my legs to carry my body weight,  I walked to the table in the middle and sat down on the side that had one chair which I'm guessing was for me and the two on the other side were for the Avengers that were going to ask me questions.

I took the cup of water that sat on the table ignoring the tablet because I'm not going to need it, I mean I have super healing and my head doesn't hurt so I'm going to guess that my powers did work, man, if only I did what I did at the base to escape life would be so much easier man.

I looked around the room more, there was a fresh set of clothes, how did I never notice this? I got up and walked over to the clothes, picking them up and unfolding them. The T-shirt was red with Stark written on the front, and the pants were black also having the Stark logo on it. Wow. This man has absolutely no care in the world. Looking around for a camera or some kind of way to be spied on, I find nothing that can be used to always have an eye on me, not that I don't trust the Avengers but I have only known them for like 30 seconds before I attempted to run from them.

After changing into the Stark-branded shirt I sat back down in the chair and waited. I started tapping my fingers on the desk in a beat that would distract me as I waited for someone to come in.

I probably waited for a minute or two when both Natasha and Steve made their way into the room. Really? These two again? I couldn't have gotten Stark and Steve? I can't handle being in the same room as Natasha because I know that some Russians are human lie detectors.

They both sat down in the two seats on the opposite side of me, both holding a calm and reassuring feature on their faces while Natasha held a file and placed it In front of herself before beginning by saying. "Well, we're sorry that we had to force you to come here I hope you didn't mind the ground, we would've put you in a room, but we figured it would be better if you were already here. So we could begin." She had a soft tone as if she was letting her walls down? To what trust me? Like I was her sister or something.

"Well, the floor is comfortable." I simply stated just wanting to get whatever this was out of the way.

"Look kid, we didn't want to have the situation escalate but you didn't give us a choice we needed to bring you here." Steve said with a calm tone so that I don't suddenly snap and try to attack them, which I wouldn't. I don't even know why I would since it clearly didn't work the last time.

"Alright, ask your questions. I know that you have some." I state with no emotion in my voice and a blank look on my face.

"Well, we want to know a couple of things like why were you in Hydra's captivity, how long you were there, how long it took you to get out and what were in the serums that they put into your blood." Natasha said but my focus was set on one word. Hydra. That was their name? Thoughts started flooding into my mind. How long were they around for? Are they still active? What are they doing now? And are they still experimenting on people?

"I'm sorry you said their name was Hydra? Like the three-headed dragon? Isn't their symbol a skull with tentacles and are they still active to this day?" I asked, not wanting to answer their questions until mine got answered first.

"Yes, they are still active, they named themselves because and I quote 'cut off one head and two more shall take its place' that's why they call themselves Hydra." Natasha states in a simple and soft tone but chuckles when she says their name.

"Alright, now that you answered my questions I will answer yours, I was taken against my will to Hydra, kept there for a year and have been out for two years, while I was in their captivity they tortured and wore down my willpower. The day I escaped was the day that I had been tested on and had my arms and legs restricted, it was when they stabbed the serums into the IVs and gave me my powers. There were three of them, when all the liquid had met in my bloodstream they all merged together before merging with my normal blood cells. I know this because the day after I escaped I managed to get into a museum that had microscopes. I brought a needle and pricked my skin allowing it to fall into the base before examining it. I noticed that it wasn't the same as the demonstration blood cells they had there that were actual blood in a glass cover so it wouldn't leak. After looking at it, I cleaned the base and left." I said trying to let my voice not quiver or tears run to my eyes, I hated showing weakness. It was a subconscious thing to try and hide it thanks to Hydra. When they tortured me they would extend it if I cried or showed weakness, that doesn't mean I don't feel it, it just means that I don't like showing it.

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