Chapter 33- Sharing Gained Information.

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I slid off the side of the truck from the person's push, I quickly register my situation in my mind and grip the trailer's roof with the tip of my fingers and lift myself up, moving my hand on it so I have a better grip on the truck. Okay, so I'm currently hanging off the side of a truck that is probably going 90mph down the highway, I'm fine. Everything is okay, it's just a perfectly fine situation that you have found yourself in Lara. Just pull yourself up, get rid of the last soldier that is standing, stop the truck and interrogate one of the soldiers. It's simple if you think about it.

"I did it!" The soldier shouts surprised as I hear him start walking towards me, I guess he didn't see my hands.

I wait as I see his body reveal itself. "Hey." I say, making him shoot up and his posture to straighten.

He adjusts his grip on the knife he was holding and bends down towards me. "Goodbye." He says, trying to be threatening but failing.

"Help me Scar!" I jokingly say as I heave myself up and reach for his arm, pulling it and him off the truck. I hang onto the roof with one arm as I watch his body slide across the pavement, spitting blood onto the highway.

I turn my body around and hook my arm back on the roof and slide myself onto the roof, releasing a massive breath of air as I lay on the roof. That was fun I guess you could say. It wasn't something I expected but was it fun? Yeah, it was. Besides the part where I nearly died from falling off the truck. I don't know if my powers would have healed me but I do know that it kept me attached to the car hood while it was being flipped.

Shit! I have to stop the truck! I sit up, keeping myself sturdy on the truck as it continues to speed down the highway, the soldier that was on the ground was still laying down, most likely unconscious. Something impacts the side of the truck making me look over and see a masked person that was wearing a red hoodie but the sleeves were blue and so were the pants, they were wearing a red mask with what looked like D.I.Y goggles.

The masked person tapped on the window and started speaking. "Hey, I know that we all like to pretend we have superspeed, I mean, I would love to have it, imagine how fast you could go but that's besides the point. I need you to slow down and pull over so I can see your ID." The person says as I recognise their voice as a teenager? The person's voice was also male, I looked at the person's hands seeing that he was holding onto it with his fingertips. This is so weird.

"No? Okay, well, that's fine." He says to the driver as he lets go of the truck with one hand and reaches in and forming some kind of hand position and shooting something in and pulling it as the truck harshly turns right and the wheels start to tilt onto one side. HOLY SHIT! IT'S GOING TO TIP!

I quickly run to the unconscious soldier, pick him up and stumble as the truck begins to flip onto its side. I run along it, balancing myself, staying on top of the truck at all times, the truck harshly slams along the highway scraping against the floor, releasing a screech. Grunts of pain echo through the air making me jump off the truck and place the soldier I was carrying down on the ground making sure I didn't hit his head on the concrete.

I look back at the truck and parkour back up onto the side of the truck. "Hoodie guy?" I shout, looking around since the teenage boy wasn't on the side of the truck anymore.

The guy pops out of the air swinging on what looked like a web before landing in front of me. "Ma'am I need you to leave, it's not safe here." The teenager states, putting his hands up and signalling me to leave.

"Really? I didn't know." I state sarcastically as I spot movement behind him, seeing a soldier limp around the corner of the flipped truck and aiming his gun at the both of us. Quickly, I push us out of the way as the soldier starts shooting.

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