Chapter 61- Planning To Spend Time At The Party.

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"You're this quote on quote Quantum?" Tony questions, using air quotes.

"One, yes I am and two, you're announcing another Avenger?" I ask him confused.

"Yeah, it's you." He shrugs. "Who is this exactly?" He asks, standing up from the couch and walking towards the TV.

"I failed though?" I tell him as more of a question.

"We voted on it." Nat answers with a tiny smile.

Only just realising, Wanda had kept her eyes on me the whole time, her expression riddled with multiple ones that read worried, confused, annoyed and protective. "Lara, you never answered who this was." Tony speaks up, breaking me from the eye contact that I had with Wanda.

I look at Tony before speaking. "Uh, that's the person I told you all about all those months ago, that is Burnt Popcorn." I inform him, fiddling with my bracelet.

"This? How do you know it's him?" Steve questions with an expression that I couldn't read.

"Because I know that voice, it might have been over three years but I know it's him." I answer him, looking at the masked Burnt Popcorn.

"If what he's saying about coming after you is true then we need to be careful." Steve says.

"Lara's party is next week, that's the earliest I could get it plus it's in New York, one of the tall skyscraper buildings." Tony informs us.

"What about if he attacks then? There'll be a lot of innocent people at the party." Nat speaks up.

"What if we use it to draw him out?" I question.

"No, we can't put innocent lives at risk just to maybe draw him out." Steve denies.

"Then we make the party extra guarded, get a list of names going in and out, that way if he enters and leaves we can chase up the list of names and find out where he is. As well as getting extra guards to keep watch." Tony says.

I divert my attention back to the screen, my teeth gritting as I look at Burnt Popcorn's eyes through his mask. "Hey." I hear Wanda whisper from my left, I shoot up, jolting out of my mind and looking at the brunette next to me.

"Uh, hey." I reply to her, she had a worried expression on her face which pretty much seemed normal now for her.

"You okay?" She asks me, lifting her hand and resting it against my cheek.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I wave her off, leaning into her touch.

"Well, that's clearly a lie." She laughs for a second before pulling me into a hug. "We're dating Lara, you don't need to hide anything from me. I'm here for you and I don't plan on leaving you." She whispers before pulling away and sliding her grip to my hand, squeezing it slightly and giving me a reassuring smile.

"I love you." I say, kissing Wanda's head before turning towards the team.

"We go through with the party, we aren't inviting the whole world." Tony says. "Besides Burnt Popcorn wouldn't attack right after sending a message, he wouldn't be that stupid. Doing that and attacking the Avengers would be a death sentence." He argues.

"You would still be risking innocent lives, that's not what we do. If we use people as bait then that makes us no better than him." Steve rebuttals as he points to the TV.

"We need to announce Lara as an Avenger either way." Nat says.

"We can't do it while someone is threatening to attack." Steve responds.

"We can't do it online because people will have questions and it's better for them to be answered in person." Tony huffs. "Again, it would be stupid to attack the Avengers, if he is planning to come after her then it's not smart to attack her while she's being announced as one." He adds with a shrug.

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