Chapter 14- There was a Girl.

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(Lara's Pov)

I saw a flash of blue run towards me before being pushed over, the blue blur picking up the brunette in the corner of my vision and instantly running off again.

I didn't feel the grains of sand as I hit the ground this time though. Instead, I felt something soft below me reduce the impact of the fall. I didn't even get a second to recover and lay there before a voice that belonged to Tony started speaking through the comms that I forgot was in my ear.

"Lara? Where are you? I asked Jarvis. He told me that you were not at the tower." He asked concerned.

"Sorry Tony, I didn't mean to scare you. I'm four hours away from the tower. My powers activated and caused me to teleport to a beach." I replied to the man not bringing up the whole conversation that I had with the witch that seemed to believe in Hydra's belief but not fully. Maybe it was possible to convince her, I mean it looked like I had her attention before I was pushed over.

"I'm sorry, you're what?! You're four hours away from the tower?!" Stark replied into the comms not wanting to believe what I had just said.

"Yeah, I'm four hours away. Look, I'm gonna start making my way back but I need you to not worry about me. I know you got the Scepter. Did Thor take it back to Asgard?" I asked into the comms wanting to know the answer.

"Yeah, he did. He took it back the second I made it to the Quinjet and handed it to him, he got Clint to the jet like he said he would. Currently, Clint is being stabilised by Bruce." Tony said back to me.

Thank god Thor had taken it back immediately, I knew that if Tony had managed to change Thor's mind and let him analyse it something would've definitely gone wrong.

"Well, I'm glad that it's back where it belongs. Tell Clint that he can't die." I said to Tony as I started to walk towards the tower.

"Alright. If you're walking back think twice, I want you to teleport back. No buts either, if you managed to teleport there from Sokovia. You can clearly do the same to get to the tower" He said into the comms.

"Fine Dad, I will. I have to go now if you want me to teleport there." I said into the comms before I turned it off and put it in my pocket.

I sat down on the floor feeling the beach's grainy sand, the ocean currents moved peacefully towards the sandy bank with a calming sound. I breathed in and out again, focusing on imagining my room that was in the base. Not even 2 seconds went past as I teleported from the beach to the comfort of the big room that I owned in the tower.

That's weird usually it takes way longer for me to teleport it also needs to be quiet rather than pretty much instantaneously teleporting with sound going on in the background. It felt as though my powers were listening to me and allowing me to use them while they guided me so I didn't end up anywhere else from where I had wanted.

I stood up and limped to the bathroom to take a shower so I could get the sand out of my hair. The girl that had blasted me across the beach, her powers hurt me. Well, I mean of course it did considering I got sent flying across the beach and had my shit handed to me but my powers weren't healing me. The fact that she hit me straight in the chest and the fact that I landed my hip on a rock. The fact that my powers refused to heal my wound made me think that the brunette woman had an effect on my power that stopped it. I mean I also had more proof because when I touched her wrist it caused my powers to freak out and teleport us to four different locations.

I had managed to finish the shower but my head was filled with thoughts about the brunette. Why did she think that Hydra was right? There was something about her that read that she didn't trust Hydra. But the questions that she asked me were about Tony and his past so something must have happened during that time. Tony did make nukes back then but that Tony was different he was way more arrogant than this one was, the Tony that I saw as a father figure in the short span I knew him was less arrogant and he always tried to correct his mistakes, but maybe something happened to her back than while Tony did make weapons.

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