Chapter 2- Hunting Down A Fortune Teller.

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(Avengers pov)

The team had gathered in their conference room waiting for Fury to get here with an apparent important meeting. That was required for the whole team which consisted of Steve, Tony, Natasha, Bruce, Clint, Thor, Sam, Bucky and Rhodey.

"I mean what's the point of waiting for Fury to be here when he could've just sent an email saying. 'Dear Avengers, please catch and restrain this person.' It's a bit ridiculous if you ask me especially since Jarvis could've found the person by now." Tony said standing behind his chair wanting Fury to arrive, so they could get this mission over with so he could work on a future suit.

"Stark, Fury comes here because this is clearly a way more important mission than the ones we were doing previously." Steve said in a calm and patient manner while leaning back against the chair with his arms crossed.

"Oh, come on Roger Roger droid, we all know that this mission couldn't be more important than taking down Hydra. I mean isn't Fury supposed to be dead anyway? After the whole fall of Shield?" Tony replied with a tone of sarcasm.

"Really Stark? Come on we all know you wanna play with your toys but maybe this is more important than Hydra. We could put a pause on that scenario while we do this quickly, it shouldn't take that long." Natasha replied with a tiny sense of playfulness while remaining serious.

"Thank you, Agent Romanoff. No, this shouldn't take long considering you're the Earth's Mightiest Heroes." Fury states as he enters the room with a file.
"Jarvis, could you please pull up what is in the file and put it on the screen?"

"Very well sir pulling up the file's content now." Jarvis states as the screen at the front of the room turns on and pulls up a picture of an apartment building, statements from tenants and a picture of a woman with long light brown hair that curls at the bottom with hazel coloured eyes.

"Okay, no offence Fury but if you expect us to look for this random woman instead of hunting for Hydra there has to be a good reason." Stark says in a confused tone as to why Fury is concerned about an apartment building.

"Stark, quiet down will you and let Fury explain his reasons." Clint says from his seat interested in the file and reading the complaints that tenants had filed at 7:00 am.

"As you all can see this is a photo of a woman named Lara Twiney. A tenant at this building along with multiple others who reported about their dreams all consisting of a person being tested on by Hydra and Lara Twiney is the only person that hasn't reported about this incident or has no clue about the situation." Fury states looking around the room at all of the Avengers.

"Okay. That's all fine and dandy but how do you even know that their words are real and that if it is, how can you tell that it's Hydra?" Sam asks, looking at the photo of the girl before looking at some of the complaints and reports.

"Because, they all had the same dream and we know that it's Hydra because in the description of the dream. It says that a man in black had a logo on his coat that says it had a skull and six tentacles coming out of the head with a ring circling the Symbol coloured red." Fury replies looking around making sure that all of the Avengers are caught up before continuing. "Your job is to capture the woman and get information as it could help us but you should also try to recruit them."

"Wait, wait, wait. You want us to capture some woman that you think gave every other tenant their dream? Not only that but you want us to recruit this fortune-teller as well?" Stark replies in a sarcastic tone.

"Yes, that is exactly what I want you to do. So, go and bring her back here but try to do it with their cooperation, if they do not cooperate then you may apply force. Goodbye, Avengers. I trust you will be able to handle this and then have the girl join you on missions when hunting down the rest of Hydra. I will not be back for some time unless something major happens." Fury states as he leaves the room leaving the Avengers to form a plan.

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