Chapter 20- I Can See The Internal War.

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A/N: Quick little note. I got this one out earlier than I normally do because this chapter is over 5000 words. But I also wanted to say that I won't upload a chapter tomorrow so everyone can get through this plus it'll give me time to edit the next few chapters. Enjoy this long chapter (mainly because of the 2 songs.) :)

I was nudged awake by the rhythmic bouncing of a leg below me, releasing a groan I flutter my eyes open seeing Bucky grin at me. "Hey there, we are back at the tower. You might want to get off of me, I'm being death stared by your girlfriend." He tells me making me shoot up from the position I was in despite the rising pain that was shooting from my stomach, I look around only to see everyone grin at me before getting off the jet and entering the tower.

I turn around shooting daggers at Bucky. "I hope you have a nice life with a great family, a beautiful wife and kids only for you to be involved in a car accident and have your lower spine rendered useless so you can't do anything." I hiss at him.

I get up slowly, so I didn't hurt my right leg that was in pain but showed no sign of bruising whatsoever. I look away from Bucky and start to limp my back to the inside of the tower, at least my plan worked. I mean guaranteed that I did get blasted backwards through fog and landed harshly, that shit hurt.

Tomorrow I'm going to go to Mum and Dad's grave like Faye said I should, I don't know why everyone is saying that I haven't accepted what happened to me.

"Do you need help there?" Bucky said as he was walking next to me, his face filled with concerned features.

I shake my head looking at him. "No, I'm fine it's just a limp." I state as I continue to limp towards the entrance.

"How stubborn are you?" He questions me as he looks ahead, walking faster to open the door to the inside of the tower.

"I'm not stubborn thank you very much, I'm just persistent." I reply to him as we walk into the tower, Bucky closes the door behind him. "How are you going to go to the party? You know since you have a metal arm and all." I question him as I limp towards the living room.

Bucky catches up to me and walks on my left getting ready to catch me in case I stumble. "Well, people know about my metal arm and if I have to I will wear a suit with a glove covering my left hand." He replies to my question as he looks at me with worried eyes.

I hum in response as I look around the corner to see if anyone was on any of the couches in case I would have to hide my limping. Luckily, there wasn't. I walk towards one of the couches, sitting down while Bucky tries to help me resulting in me swatting him away.

"Hey Bucky, could you grab me two pillows from the cupboard please?" I ask the super soldier that was about to sit down causing him to groan as he walks over to the cupboard grabbing two pillows.

"Why couldn't you do that?" He asks me, causing me to stare at him then my leg then back at him. He just hums in response as he sits down on my left.

I put the two pillows on my lap and shut my eyes picturing a guitar in the hopes that my powers would transform the pillows and not the couch below Bucky and I.

I tilt my head to the right slightly as I feel the familiar feeling of my blood starting to accelerate throughout my body. I hear Bucky turn on the TV but tune it out focusing on the pillows that laid on my lap. I picture the wooden frame of an acoustic guitar with the strings already attached because God knows that would be such a disappointment.

I put the palms of my hands face down one on each pillow, that way I don't end up making a ukulele. I let my fingers twitch, all tensed muscles relaxing before feeling the weight and fluffiness of the pillows be transformed into a wood and flat feeling.

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