Chapter 66- What If I'm Not Cut Out For This.

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Quick A/N: Thanks for 1k reads it means a lot :)

(Lara's Pov)

The sound of someone entering the room makes itself clear but not clear enough to the point that I look away from Faye's sleeping body. "Hey." Bucky's voice speaks up.

I don't acknowledge him, my mind still reeling from the building's explosion and Wanda being taken because I wasn't able to do anything. "Lara, it wasn't your fault she was taken." Bucky says.

Something in my mind ticked, my body shooting up in an instant as I look at him with dead eyes. "Yes! Yes, it was my fault! It was my fault she was taken! I could've gotten her out when I had the chance but I didn't because my powers didn't work! My teleporting chose to give out right as I was about to get her out! It's my fault I wasn't fast enough and it's my fault that I chose to have the party in the first place! So, don't tell me that it's not my fault! That is the worst thing to tell me!" I shout at him, my voice breaking as all of my emotions begin flooding out, tears pouring down my face the more and more I go on. "I could've prevented it all." I whisper under my breath, wiping my face before walking back to my seat.

"We need to find her, we need your help, Lara." Bucky says.

"What if I can't help you? I can barely even help Faye. Look at her, she has a hole in her leg because of my irrational actions."  I respond to him, pointing at Faye.

"You have helped so many people, you helped Olsen, you helped all the people that Rigger might have killed in the future, you've stopped most of Hydra, you saved everyone in the building." Bucky argues.

"Not everyone." I say, my voice wavering at the thought of me failing to save Wanda.

"Lara, Wanda chose to go to the top floor." Bucky tells me.

"And I should have denied her that choice." I mutter.

"Lara, we need your help to find where he took her." Bucky repeats. "Look, you're a hero, you help those in need and you stop people from committing evil, you choose a path of good that stops people from choosing the wrong mistake." He tells me, trying to convince me.

"What if I'm not cut out for this? What if I repeat the same mistake?" I ask him, my face feeling slightly colder from the wet tears.

"You're cut out for this, you know what his mindset is like, you're the only one that has some kind of idea that knows what he's going to do, I don't think you'd repeat the same mistakes. A lot of people do but you're not one of those, you can do this. You're going to help us find Wanda and stop him from doing the thing that he took her for." Bucky answers me, walking towards me and pulling me into a hug. "You're Lara Twiney, you can do anything you set your mind to." He adds with a smirk on his face.

"You're so cringe." I chuckle into his shoulder, staying there for a few seconds. "I need to write Faye a letter about where I'll be. Go outside, I'll be there in a second." I tell him, pulling away from the hug and walking to the drawer that had a pen holder and a stack of paper.

"You'd expect there to be medical equipment in a hospital room." Is all Bucky says before exiting the room.

I laugh, before picking up a pen and paper, beginning to write a note for Faye. "Alright, Faye, I will see you later." I say, putting the pen back into the holder and putting the note on her chest. "I love you, get well soon." I tell her, giving her a kiss on the forehead before walking to the door and exiting the room.

"Hey." Nat greets with a soft smile.

"Sorry about that." I apologize walking to them.

"You don't have to apologize." Sam tells me.

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