Chapter 79- Speeding Through Loops.

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(Loop 10.)

"How do you constantly know what I'm saying?" My Dad questions, his face filled with confusion.

"Because I've done this ten times now." I answer him, sitting down on the couch.

"What do you mean ten times?" He asks.

"I'm stuck in a groundhog day." I respond.

"You're stuck in a loop?" My mum questions.

"Yeah, that's why I was able to say what Dad was going to say at the exact same time as him." I answer her, shutting my eyes.

"How long has this been going on?" My Dad asks.

"Hard to say but if I had to guess, maybe, half an hour or longer." I answer. "It doesn't help because every loop I have to re-explain this."

"How did this start?" Dad asks.

"I don't really know but if I had to guess, Thatcher used a machine on my girlfriend that made her use her powers and ended up trapping me in my subconscious." I answer, shrugging as I explain what I had pieced together.

"You have a girlfriend? And she has powers?" My Mum questions, a smile practically being heard on her face.

Opening my eyes, I look at the two. "Yes, I have a girlfriend. And yes, she has powers." I respond, watching as both of them put a smile on their faces. "Oh, shut up." I groan, raising my hand to my face.

"No, no, no. We don't mean it like that, we're happy that you're dating someone." My Dad speaks, barely containing his excitement.

"Overly happy." I respond.

Knocking from the door breaks us out of our conversation. "Excuse me miss, we just want to talk." Thatcher's voice speaks from the other side.

"Here we go for a tenth time." I sigh, standing up from the couch and walking to the door.

"Let me get it, you stay sitting." My Mum says, trying to get me to sit down.

"Move, I'm going to deal with them." I say, trying to move past her.

"Ma'am if you don't open this door, we will have to use force." Thatcher's voice says.

"That won't be needed, I'll be there in a second." My Mum shouts, still trying to get me to sit down.

"Mum, move, I need to deal with this quickly." I sigh, slowly but surely approaching the door with each movement.

"Lara, just go sit down and relax." My Mum persists.

"Dad, tell her to move." I groan, almost being able to reach the door.

"Cel, come on." My Dad laughs, grabbing my Mum by the shoulders and moving her out of the way.

"Thank you." I sigh in relief, putting my hand on the doorknob and opening it. "Sup, Thatch?" I ask, leaning on the door frame.

"Sorry?" He responds, his face widened in confusion.

"Oh, that's right, I'm not supposed to know your name... Oops?" I say, sarcastically face-palming myself before pulling it to my side. "Welp, let's get to the next one." I clear my throat, grabbing his gun from his holster and doing what I did every other loop, shooting him in the leg.

"What on earth!" He shouts, getting down in pain.

Shooting all the other soldiers, I watch as their bodies fall onto the ground like every other loop. "It sucks that I can't use my powers in here." I tell Thatcher with a disappointed tone.

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