Chapter 35- Are You Trying To Seduce Me?

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(Wanda's Pov)

I released a groan as the bed dipped in, the person had shifted closer to me, and I felt their arms move up to my face and tuck loose strands behind my ear. "I know you're awake Wands." The person says, immediately recognising it as Lara.

"Five more minutes." I groan, turning into the pillow that I was laying on.

"That's not how this works Wands, you have to get up." Lara laughs as she places her forehead on the side of mine.

Releasing another groan. "What time is it?" I question with a raspy voice.

"It's 10am. Your accent is sexy." Lara whispers into my ear. I know that half of my face is under the pillow but it feels like it's burning. "You like that?" She teases me as my cheeks heat up more, I'm probably wearing the darkest shade a person could have. "That's how I felt when you were flirting with me in the car." Lara says.

I open my eyes, taking my face out of the pillow and flip Lara, so I'm on top. "I said. Five. More. Minutes." I sternly say, having my Sokovian accent show itself, waving my fingers I force Lara's arms up above her head, releasing a content sigh, I reposition myself, straddling her hips and laying down on her chest, tucking my face into the crook of her neck.

Seconds go by as the breathing of both Lara and I fill the calm and silent air. "I know you want to sleep but I made breakfast and it's sitting on the bedside table." Lara says, breaking the silence.

"You get it." I mumble, moving my neck slightly so my voice is clearer.

"You sorta cuffed my hands together, I can't move them." Lara tells me.

"Well, the food can stay there." I tell her, readjusting my head.

"You're cute and all but I don't want the bacon and eggs to go cold." Lara tries to reason with me.

I sit up, still on her hips. "Looking good." I tease Lara, scanning the room, I spot the two plates of breakfast, leaning over and picking them both up and placing them on the bed.

"Can you release me, so I can eat?" She huffs from underneath me.

"As long as we spend the whole day in bed then sure." I smirk at her as I pick up my fork and start eating my food.

"Just feed me." She mumbles.

"Oh? You want me to feed you?" I tease her, picking up a fork from her plate, stabbing her food through the fork and holding the fork right above her mouth with enough distance that if she tries to lean forward she won't reach it.

"This is torture Maximoff." Lara states, trying to shimmy out from underneath me.

I wave my hand, cuffing her feet together and reposition myself. "I told you not to call me Maximoff." I say, dropping the fork onto her plate.

"Noooo." She whines, turning her head to the food.

I grab her cheeks, forcing her to look at me. "I told you not to call me Maximoff." I repeat sternly.

"From below I can see even more of your beauty." She replies, gazing at me.

"Are you trying to seduce me thinking I would let you go?" I question, placing a smile on my face as my hair dangles over her face.

"It was worth a shot." She shrugs.

"If we're going slow then we aren't kissing until after the second date." I tell her, picking up her fork and feeding her.

She swallows the food and starts talking. "But feeding me like this and straddling me is slow?"

"Yeah. Plus, you like it." I say to her, waving my hand and feeding the girl underneath me.

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