Chapter 90- Bonding Over Shots.

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Barking fills my ears as I teleport into Faye's house. "Shadow, what's up?" Faye's voice questions from a different room as I open my eyes.

A husky stood in front of me, barking at me. "Faye, Your dog is barking at me!" I shout into the house not exactly knowing where she was.

"Oh! Coming, one second!" Faye shouts back, the sound of footsteps coming from the kitchen 4 seconds later. "Sorry, Shadow is just like this, he's like my personal helper." She apologizes. "It's okay Shadow, she's a friend."

Shadow immediately looks at Faye for a second before walking away to a different part of the living room and laying down on the floor. "Where's Dawn?" I question, not seeing the cat that Faye had gotten.

"Up in my room taking a nap, she was playing with Shadow a lot earlier." She answers, walking around the couch with a limp and sitting down.

"Cool." I comment, putting the two vodka bottles on the coffee table. "You ready?" I question.

"Let me quickly go grab shot glasses." Faye replies, getting up from the couch and walking back to the kitchen.

Reaching around my back, I grab onto the envelope pulling it out from the back of my pants, placing it on the table. Releasing a huff, I fall onto the couch, relaxing my body into it as I stare at the 2 full bottles of vodka. "Alright, here we go." Faye speaks up placing them in front of the bottles. "What's this?" She questions, referencing the envelope.

"What you wanted to know." I inform her, sitting up, grabbing one of the bottles and opening it. "Let's get started." I say, pouring two shots.


(Nat's Pov)

"Thank you all for staying with me but you can leave now." Pietro speaks, his Sokovian accent turning his speech into a grief-filled voice.

"Don't worry about it Pietro, we're here to keep you company." Steve replies, his face calm and sorrowful.

"I'm fine, you can go." The Sokovian speaks, getting up from the couch and walking over to the kitchen.

Bucky looks at me, shrugging at me before he adjusts himself in his seat, pulling out the leg rest. "We aren't going anywhere." He tells the Sokovian.

Pietros face turns to the side slightly in my peripheral vision, the tiniest of smiles appearing before instantly disappearing. "What do we all wanna watch next?" Sam questions, picking up the remote from the small table and looking around the room for suggestions.

"Just put on whatever." I answer him, stretching my arms up into the air before relaxing them onto the blanket I had over me.


(Lara's Pov)
(15 minutes later)

"She's really in a coma?" Faye questions me after both of us put our empty shot glasses on the table.

"Yep." I respond, pouring another shot to drink in a minute or 2. "How's your leg?" I ask her having noticed the limp she had.

"Well, it's as good as it can be after having a hole put through it, Shadow practically stays next to me, whining every time I hiss, Dawn stays with me when she isn't napping by herself and I am on paid medical leave at work." She answers, her words starting to become delayed and slurred.

"Starting to feel the effects already?" I ask her, a grin spreading on my face.

"Me? No, never." She defends herself, grabbing the shot glass and downing it.

"Sure, whatever you say." I smirk, nodding my head sarcastically before grabbing my glass and downing it, my face recoiling the tiniest amount in response.

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