Chapter 96- Quantum's Suit Designer.

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"Tony." I greet, leaning on his bedroom door frame.

"Hey, how are you?" Tony questions, lifting his head from his bed to look at me.

"Good, I wanted to thank you for giving a statement for me." I answer.

"Don't worry about it. You help put a stop to Hydra therefore I help you by making sure you don't have to give a statement." He waves me off, sitting up against his bedframe.

"You have an idea of what we're doing next?" I question him.

"Well, I think I'm gonna give all of us one more week to relax before sending one or two of us out at a time to New York City or other areas to patrol the streets and stop small crimes before another entity tries to take advantage of the vacuum of power that Hydra left behind." Tony replies, resting his hands on his stomach as he looks from me to the wall in front of him.

"Do you know who you would send out first?" I ask, folding my arms.

"First would most likely be you and Bucky." He informs me. "It's better you go out first and try to replenish any doubt that people have of you actually wanting to help them." He explains, lifting one hand towards me before looking at me.

"Cool, I just wanted to ask." I nod my head, a silence taking over both of us for a few seconds before I break it. "I'm gonna go now, I'll see you later." I tell him, getting off the doorway.

"Yeah, see you, Twiney." He responds as I exit his doorway and make my way to the elevator.

Why was that so awkward? Nothing's changed between us so I don't know why it felt like there was a tension. Shaking my head out of my thoughts, I make my way into the elevator and click the button for my floor.


(The next day)

"Did you hear about Tony's new plan until there's another massive threat?" Bucky asks me as I pour cereal into my milk-filled bowl.

"Yeah, I asked him yesterday." I tell Bucky, yawning at the end of my sentence.

"You sleep well?" He questions, leaning onto the kitchen island.

"Perfectly fine." I respond, wiping my eye as I make my way to the utensil drawer and sliding it open.

"You look like if I woke up hungover." Bucky teases, chuckling lightly.

"I didn't drink for your information, just couldn't fall asleep." I tell Bucky, ensuring he wouldn't get concerned as I grab a spoon before shutting the drawer.

"I wasn't going to assume you drank." Bucky raises his hands in defence.

"I could tell you were going to ask." I reply, walking to my bowl of cereal and beginning to eat.

"Okay let me ask something else. Nightmares?" He asks, rotating his body and placing his elbows on the island.

"Nope." I answer, taking another bite. "Just couldn't sleep." I say after swallowing.

"First time in a while wasn't it." He says, looking at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Yep." I sigh, continuing to eat my cereal.

"You excited to roam the streets?" Bucky questions, a grin on his face as looks at me.

"Are we doing it separately or together?" I ask him, wiping my nose on my sleeve.

"Stark said we go opposite directions when we get to New York." Bucky answers.

"Wouldn't it make more sense to go at night? I feel like most crime happens at night." I say, raising my eyebrows as I finish off my cereal.

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