Chapter 8- Starting To Build Bonds.

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I looked up from the person's chest to try and see who it was only for them to pull me back down and have my head rest on their chest.

"Shhh. It's okay I got you kid just keep talking to her and I will be here the whole time. It's just you and I. I told the others to leave." I heard the person think. By now I knew the person was Tony because his thoughts were always careful behind his ego and jokeful personality. I guess my powers chose to work then as if it was important for me to know.

I couldn't say anything, I was so surprised that the billionaire would be helping me. I could only nod into the billionaire's shirt.

"YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND LARA! YOU WERE THERE FOR A YEAR AND DIDN'T BOTHER VISITING ME! FOR TWO YEARS YOU WERE OUT LIVING YOUR LIFE! YOU THINK YOU WERE PROTECTING ME WHEN IN REALITY YOU WERE HURTING ME MORE THAN YOU WERE PROTECTING ME!" She yelled through the phone before taking a deep breath and silencing her tears, she does this so people know what she's gonna say is important and that you should be listening "I- I don't want to see you for a while... I don't know how long but I need time to accept and be able to function properly again knowing that my whole life has been flipped upside down. I will text you when I'm ready to start talking again. I'm sorry Lara, I don't want to cause you pain but I have to be able to learn to deal with this before coming back."

That was all I heard, I couldn't even say anything before hearing the sound of her hanging up the phone. I dropped my phone onto my lap now having all of my emotions reveal themselves as more tears streamed down my face than before.

I had to accept that she wanted space before talking to me again. I did this to myself, it was something I had caused to do to myself. I felt broken, my sister didn't even want to talk to me anymore not for a while at least.


I sat in the billionaire's arms crying for a long time before my tears turned to sniffles and a slow tear that dropped down now and then. Not once did Tony stop comforting me not even to move to the couch or to move positions to get more comfortable. I looked up at the man to see he was looking at me with comforting eyes that didn't read pity.

"There you are, your eyes are so puffy I can barely see your iris." He said chuckling trying to make me laugh which surprisingly worked before the laughs faded into a comfortable silence for a few seconds before he took a deep breath and continuing to speak. "Kid, I know you don't want to talk about it now or maybe in the future but if you do want to, I'm always here if you need someone to talk to." He said looking at me with a genuine smile.

"Thank you, Tony. It helps knowing I can talk to you when I'm ready." I say looking up at the brown-eyed man.

"Good. Now, come on. I need to go to the lab and you're coming with me, I have something to show you." He said, moving and pushing off the floor and wall. Getting up and giving me his hand to pull me up. I took his hand and shot him a grateful smile before walking alongside him following him to his lab.

I was still sulking in my mind upset about what I caused. I just caused a rift between Faye and I, we're the only family that we have left after the people I now know as Hydra killed our parents and took me.

"Alright, I hope you are ready for your mind to be blown because my next suit will blow your mind." Tony said as he walked into the room and over to his newest suit, entering it as the front of the suit retracted and re-expanded to its natural size when he enters.

"That's impressive don't get me wrong but is that it? That seems very efficient but what if it malfunctions and opens the front and you end up getting shot?" I say to Tony who was now in the red and gold armour.

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