Chapter 56- Being Deemed Worthy or not.

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Wanda and I walk into the meeting room, hand in hand. "Here she is, we can begin now." Tony exclaims from the front. "Alright Lara, stand where I am." He says, waving his finger over.

Wanda lets go of my arm, flashing me a worried smile before walking over and sitting down in an empty seat. "Can't I just sit in a seat?" I question him, walking over to him and standing where Tony is.

"No." He quickly responds with a smirk as he walks to where everyone else was sitting at the back of the room.

"How does this work?" I ask, looking behind me, spotting a list of my information on a projection.

"You answer some basic questions, then you explain why you want to join the team, then we discuss different things and finally we have a vote for if you join or not." Steve answers me crossing his arms.

"I'll start." Nat speaks up. "Please state your name and age." She instructs, picking up a pen and holding it over a journal which I just realised was there.

"My name is Lara Twiney and I'm twenty-four years old." I answer.

"Do you have any family relatives?" She asks me, beginning to write in the journal.

"I have a sister called Faye Twiney that is twenty-six years old." I inform her.

"Do you have any parents?" She asks in a softer tone, knowing the answer already.

"No, they're both deceased." I reply with a monotone voice.

"Do you have any powers?" Nat questions.

"I have four powers. Those being  mind reading, super healing, matter manipulation and teleporting." I answer her with a smile on my face.

"Do you have control over your powers?" She asks me, continuing to write in the journal.

"Yes, I have control over my powers." I nod.

"What do you use your powers for?" She asks.

"I use them to protect civilians and help keep the peace that the world currently has." I tell her.

"If a civilian was trapped under rubble while a terrorist is getting away, who do you go after?" She asks, looking up at me.

"I would help the civilian that is trapped under rubble by turning the rubble into water with my powers and make sure they're alright before going after the terrorist." I tell her with full confidence

"Interesting." Nat nods. "Do you work solo or do you work as a team?"

"I attempt my best to work as a team but if I have to, I will work solo." I answer.

"What would you do if your powers got out of hand?" She asks.

"I would isolate myself from the rest of the world so I protect the civilians and the team." I say.

"What is more valuable? An innocents life or yours?" She questions

"An innocents life is more valuable than mine." I answer with a straight face.

"How did you obtain your powers?" She asks in a lighter tone.

I take a deep breath, waiting a couple of seconds before speaking. "I obtained my powers from Hydra. They kidnapped me and tortured me so they could make me their weapon, when they thought they succeeded or were close to succeeding they gave me three serums which gave me my powers."

"How did you escape?" Nat asks.

"My teleporting powers activated when I was thrown back into my cell and I was teleported to a beach." I answer

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