Chapter 85- Do You Not Understand?

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The door slides open, Thatcher's body no longer laid on the ground, the machine that contained Wanda was no longer there either.

"You came to finish me." Thatcher's voice speaks from behind me.

My body snaps around, my eyes widening as Thatcher throws a punch into my gut. Unable to dodge out of the way, I cough out a breath, falling onto my hands. "You were dumb enough to come back." He says from above.

Groaning for a second, I look up at him, a grin sat on his face. "You were dumb enough to come after me." I retort, launching myself at him, tackling his chest, wrapping my foot behind his leg and dropping all my weight onto him.

Thatcher drops to the ground, my body following suit. Thatcher tries squirming out from under me, his arms lifted from his side. "Get off me!" He shouts, gripping my throat.

Shooting my hands up to my neck, I grab onto his hands, trying to release them. Thatcher tightens his hold, the air in my lungs beginning to get cut off.

My powers shoot up, trying to help me but end up giving me a different idea. Taking one last breath, I teleport Thatcher and I into the air above the beach where I had teleported Wanda and I for the first time.

Thatcher groans as he collides with the ground, his grip releasing from my throat and dropping to his side.

My body landing on top of his, reducing the impact. Quickly getting off his body, I get onto my feet, eyeing him for any movements.

Thatcher raises his arm at me, shooting a beam before rotating his head.

Ducking under the beam, I stick my hand into the sand, grabbing a handful and transforming it into a dagger before pulling it out and holding it in my hand.

Thatcher stands up, his expression unfazed by the change of scenery. "Impressive." Is all he says before charging forward at me, his left hand turning into a fist.

Stepping backwards, I watch Thatcher's hand swing past me. Rolling forward, I end up behind Thatcher, stabbing him in the left calf. Thatcher groans in pain, his body shooting up before he turns his body around. He pulls the dagger from his legs, a groan squeezing out before he turns to look at me.

Bending down, I put myself into a three-point pose. Thatcher grins, his grip tightening around the dagger.  Rushing at Thatcher, I watch as he slides the dagger right in front of my throat narrowly missing, wasting no time, I kick the back of his left leg before wrapping my arm around his neck.

Thatcher grunts for a second as I secure him in a chokehold. Thatcher forces himself up, my body being lifted with him. Unable to keep him down on the ground, Thatcher grabs my arm with his left hand in an attempt to pull it off.

Keeping my arm tucked in place, I watch Thatcher let go, his body suddenly beginning to roll. Right before I hit the ground, I teleport us to a different location. My body landing on a concrete floor.

Gasps echo around us as Thatcher finishes rolling, escaping my grasp and ending up on his feet.

Coughing out a breath, I flip myself onto my stomach. "You're worthless, you want to change the world but you're too weak to do so." Thatcher's voice speaks. from behind, getting closer over time. A hand grips my shoulder, harshly flipping me over. Thatcher stood above me, his left hand grabbing the collar of my suit. "I'll show you what it means to change the world." He grins, pulling back his right hand and shutting it into a fist.

Unable to move, I unwillingly watch as Thatcher rams his fist into my face before he pulls it away and begins to repeat the process. My face bruising more and more from each hit, the pain overtaking my face more than my powers are able to heal.

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