Chapter 92- The Final Person To Know.

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(Lara's Pov)

Groaning, my eyes flutter open begrudgingly. "Jarvis, what's the time?" I ask into the air, stretching my arms before pushing myself into a sitting position.

"The time is 9:27am Ms. Twiney." Jarvis answers. "Would you like me to open the blinds?" The A.I questions.

"That would be very nice." I reply, throwing my blanket off of me before putting my feet on the floor, placing my hands by my side, grabbing onto the bed and looking out the window as it opened.

"Are you okay Ms. Twiney?" Jarvis asks.

"I'm fine, thanks for asking." I answer the A.I, taking my shirt off and chucking it on the floor before standing up and walking to my closet.

The conversation I had with Olsen plagued my mind, I know that killing Thatcher was the right choice but I'm filled with this void and I've got a tiny voice telling me that vengeance was a fool's game and I played it and suffered the consequences. "Jarvis, can you call Sam?" I question, shaking my head away from my thoughts, sighing as I grab a different shirt, sliding it on before moving on to grab pants.

"Which Sam, Ms. Twiney?" Jarvis responds.

"Gatlin." I quickly reply, grabbing track pants, taking my current pants off and putting on the clean pants.

"It is calling now." Jarvis informs me.

"Thank you, Jarvis." I speak, listening as my phone connects itself to my room and sounds of ringing echo through it.

"Well, if it isn't the one and only Quantum." Sam laughs as he answers the phone.

"Haha, very funny." I respond, my voice sarcastic as I roll my eyes.

"Oh come on, liven up, I'm only joking." He tells me. "Anyway, what're you calling for?" He asks.

"You busy right now?" I question him, grabbing a pair of running shoes.

"Not right now but I have a meeting with people interested to move in at 4pm." He answers, the sounds of a book closing following suit.

"Wondered if you wanna grab Breakfast, go for a jog, lunch and catch up?" I respond, tying my shoes after having put them on.

"Yeah, I can do that, where do you wanna eat for breakfast?" He replies.

"Does Coppelia sound good to you?" I ask, standing up and walking to my bedside table, grabbing my phone and earbuds.

"The Cuban place?" He responds.

"Yeah." I answer

"I was thinking you would've wanted Connolly's." He replies. "I can do Coppelia, I can head over now if you're gonna teleport." He states.

"I'll grab us a table." I tell him.

"Great, I'll start leaving now." Sam responds, the sound of keys jingling in the background.

"See you later." I say, turning my phone on and keeping my finger over the hang-up button.

"I'll see you there L." Is the last thing I hear him say before he hangs up first.

"Bitch, that was my job." I huff, opening the door as I slide my phone into my pocket.

"Jarvis, is Wanda's condition any better?" I question, opening my bedroom door and walking over to the kitchen where a fruit bowl had rested.

"I regret to inform you but Ms. Maximoff's condition has not altered in any way." Jarvis answers.

"Not sure what I was expecting." I mumble, grabbing an apple from the table. "Jarvis, inform the team that I'll be with Sam for the majority of the day." I instruct, stepping to the living room table, grabbing my wallet and the yellow envelope in my free hand.

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