Chapter 5- Meditating On A Bed.

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As we walked through the hallway of the floor we were on it hit me just how big the tower is. If this is the floor with interrogation rooms, how big are the other floors? I look to my left and right seeing cells with a glass barrier which I'm guessing is bulletproof.

After walking down the hallway for 2 minutes we reach the elevator all while we all maintained silence and never have I felt more awkward. Wait, no. That's a lie, this isn't as awkward as when I walked the streets after I woke up from escaping Hydra.

"So, that was the interrogation and cell floor which is the basement, the first floor is obviously the entrance,
floor 80 has the training rooms along with an elevator that leads outside to a track, the 81st floor is the living room, kitchen, dining room, meeting rooms, Tony's Workshop along with Bruce's lab and room, the 82nd floor are two spare rooms, you will be staying in one because we have enough trust in you that you'll be allowed to have a floor to yourself, the 83rd is Starks and Rhodey's, the 84th is Steve and mine as well as Bucky and Sam's since our floor is the only one with four rooms. Each floor has a lounge room, a kitchen that isn't as big as the one on the 81st floor, a laundry room, a bathroom with a shower, bathtub, toilet and sink that's connected to your room and a walk-in closet." Natasha states as she clicks the button for the third floor.

"Why wouldn't I stay on your floor, wouldn't that be smarter if you don't trust me to be alone?" I ask confused as to why I have my own floor.

"Well, this is the first step to gaining all of our trust. If you manage to stay by yourself on the 82nd floor then eventually we can trust you enough to allow you to fully be able to access every floor and be able to leave the tower by yourself." Natasha states turning to face me so she knows that I'm listening.

"Are you sure it's not because you and Steve have something and want quiet time?" I say in a teasing tone as I wiggle my eyebrows at the two, I mean clearly something is happening here, I'm not the only one that can see that right?

"Oh, boy. Stark is going to love you." Natasha says.

"But you're both not denying it, so if there isn't something now there was something in the past." I say chuckling.

"There isn't anything going on between Nat and I." Steve finally speaks after not having spoken since we exited the interrogation room.

As I was about to say something I got cut off by the elevator doors opening and Natasha stepping out of the elevator towards what I'm guessing is the living room, I looked at Steve seeing that he nodded and gestured with his arm to go, I saw each muscle and I swear his bicep is the size of a boat, It's massive.

I stepped out of the elevator to follow Natasha to the room she left and I was correct. I saw each Avenger sitting down on a couch or armchair.

Natasha coughed and spoke up to grab all of their attention "Alright, real quick, before you all do whatever it is you want to, this is Lara, she has agreed to help us with taking down Hydra, if she does well, we will discuss about her joining the team and right now she will be staying on the 82nd floor by herself so we have a way to start building our trust with her." She says looking at each Avenger before walking around the couch and sitting down.

Stark was the first to get up and say something. "Hey kid, it's great to meet you. Sorry about the clothes and making you look like Tiger Woods, it was the first set of clothes I grabbed, because I didn't want you to be sitting in a dirty shirt after being thrown through a wall." He says looking towards the man with the metal arm with a smirk at the end of his statement.

"I said I'm sorry, okay Stark? And in my defence, you don't think that a concrete wall would be so easy to break through." He says back to the smirking Stark that's standing.

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