Chapter 28- Being Gifted Bracelets.

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I parked the truck, shutting off the engine and taking the keys out. I undo the seat belt, open the door and slide out, shutting the door behind me. I walk to the passenger side and open the door unclipping Wanda's seat belt and lean her against the seat.

After putting the seat belt back to where it was, I slide my right arm under her legs and cautiously pick her up and rest her against me bridal style. I use my back to shut the truck door, locking the truck with the keys that were in my right hand. Walking to the apartment building, I open the door with my back, letting it shut behind me as I enter. "Hey Lara, welcome back." I heard Grace say from the desk, her eyes looking down at a paper.

"Hey, Grace." I whisper, walking over to her, her eyes travelling up from the paper, it took her a second before a massive grin was placed on her face. "No, we aren't something, we're friends." I whisper to her.

Grace nods, keeping a grin on her face. Mentally face-palming myself, I roll my eyes. "Is Sam here?" I question her.

"No, he isn't here sadly, but he would love to see you and this mysterious girl together. He can read the future if it seems like there is a chance for a future relationship." Grace whispers, winking at me.

"Very funny. Can you get someone to bring up a couple of cardboard boxes?" I question her. "I'm going to move out so Sam can have the apartment back." I tell her looking at Wanda who is still fast asleep.

"Sam permanently gave you the apartment, he doesn't want it back, it's yours to keep but sure I will send someone up with a couple of boxes." Grace replies with a smile.

"Thanks, you're the best." I shoot her a grateful smile, making my way to the elevator, and entering it sideways, so I don't hurt the sleeping Sokovian.

I click the button for my floor with the tip of my index finger that was resting below Wanda's legs. The whole elevator ride was silent, the only thing that could be seen or heard was Wanda's light breathing and the rise and drop of her chest.

I sighed contently. If I had to be honest, she was cute, I would have to be crazy if I said that she isn't. I was interrupted out of my thoughts about Maximoff due to the elevator doors sliding open allowing me to exit, rotating side wards again.

I walk down the hall to my room and crouch down, lightly placing Wanda down on the carpet, making sure that I move my left hand from the small of her back to the back of her head, I lightly place the back of my knuckles to the floor, sliding them from underneath the brunette's head.

Standing back up I look up seeing one of the rectangle light bulbs hanging a bit from the roof, reaching up I slide my hand into the little space, I feel the cold metal key and place my finger on top of it sliding it out and closing my hand around it.

Bringing my hand down to my chest I open it smiling to myself seeing that my spare key was still where I always left it. Was it a good choice to keep it there? Probably not... But people never found it, so I kept using it.

I turn around, inserting the key into the lock and open the door before placing the key back where it was. I brush off my hands on my pants then pick Maximoff up again and walk through the apartment door sideways making sure to not bump Maximoff's head on the way in.

I walk to the couch and gently lay Wanda down on it, so she's sleeping on something comfortable and walk back to the door shutting it lightly, locking the door and walking to the kitchen counter where I had left my original keys that had my car keys, the key to my front door and a miniaturized key chain pop figure of Natasha Romanoff. It's cringe I know but it was what I had.

Unhooking the Natasha Romanoff key chain I put my keys on the coffee table in front of Wanda and chuck the key chain in the bin. Don't hate me for it, I'm going to get one of someone else. That is when they get one.

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