Chapter 68- All You Have To Do Is Be Respectful.

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(Lara's Pov)

After having stayed in the elevator for a bit Bucky had pulled me out and into the hallway, he apologized and said he only did it in case people need to use the elevator.

Bucky was sitting on the floor next to me while I was stuck in my mind, not wanting to look at the hallway, not wanting those memories and more to come flying back into my mind like homing rockets.

Words that came from my past echoed through my head. "Faye, I know what happened, I know he basically confessed that he had sex with Jillian but at least you didn't have to find out later and have the damage become way worse."

"There is no right or wrong to this scenario, you choose what you believe in and that's the right path to go." A different sentence rings through my head.

"Oh, come on, you don't need a therapist, it's been two years since that happened Faye, you're what? Twenty? I can't believe you're stuck in that moment." Another memory plays as if it knew what situation I was currently in.

"I know that you will face your destiny like a warrior because that's what you are." My Dad's voice rings through my head shooting me up from my position on the ground into a standing one as I look down at where I was sitting, my breath getting caught in my throat as I begin coughing.

"Hey, hey, hey, what's wrong?" Bucky questions, standing up and pulling me into a hug.

"I made a promise." I mumble under my breath, leaning into Bucky's shoulder.

"What?" He questions, pulling back and looking at me with a confused expression.

"I made a promise." I repeat myself, looking down the hall which had suddenly stopped spinning around me. "Thank you." I tell Bucky, looking back at him and giving him a quick hug before backing away and clearing my throat. "I'm ready." I say, walking down the hall.

"Okay." Bucky's voice says from behind surprised.

Approaching the door to my old apartment, each step becomes slightly lighter unlike before, the weight of the situation dissipating as I remember who I was doing this for. "Someone might be living here so we have to be respectful." I tell Bucky, stopping in front of the apartment door.

"I know that." Bucky responds.

"Are you sure? The last time you guys visited someone, you punched me through my neighbour's wall." I joke, raising my fist and knocking on the door.

"In my defence, I didn't know that the wall would brake." Bucky defends himself.

"Uh-huh, sure." I reply, a smile on my face.

The door opens slightly, a male teenager on the other side, looking at Bucky and I with uncertainty. "Yes?" He questions.

"Hi, I'm Lara Twiney and my friend here is James Buchanan Barnes, we are Avengers and we would like to come in." I greet the teenager, a smile on my face as I introduce Bucky and I.

"I know who you are. What reason do you have for wanting to come in?" He questions.

"If you let us in, we can explain, if you'll let us." I respond.

"You could tell me right here." He replies, closing the door a bit.

"We need to search the apartment for something, I used to live here and I hid something a while back." I tell him.

"How am I supposed to believe you?" He questions, his expression changing into one of disbelief.

"Because we're Avengers and we need something to help find our teammate." Bucky speaks up.

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