Chapter 70- Searching To Get The USB Repaired.

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"Wake up, let's go, the schools open." I say, repeatedly tapping Bucky's sleeping face.

"What?" Bucky groans, his eyes opening slowly.

"It's 10am, come on." I tell him. "We need to find Parker."

"The schools open?" He questions still half asleep as he begrudgingly gets out of the car.

"Yeah." I respond, shutting the door behind him and locking the car.

"Is the kid here?" He asks me.

"Let's hope he is." I answer, finishing the coffee I had purchased 10 minutes ago.

"Where's mine?" Bucky whines, stretching his body.

"You were asleep." I shrug, chucking the cup in a bin.

"Unfair." He grumbles.

"Complain all you want, I'm not buying you coffee." I tell him as we walk towards the entrance of the school.

"You're so mean." He whines.

"Not gonna work." I respond in a playful tone.

"Let's just find this kid." Bucky says as we walk through the school's front door.

"Where would he be?" I question, walking through the hallway.

Students that were in the hallways either retrieving books from their lockers or talking to each other all had suddenly stopped, their attention drawn to Bucky and I. "Hi?" Bucky says, waving at people as they all stare at us.

Rolling my eyes, I walk through the hallway, ignoring all the stares. "Can anyone tell me where the office is?" I question.

Most teenagers just stared at me while some whispered amongst each other. "Hi, I'm sorry what can we help you with?" A teacher speaks up.

"Where's the office?" I ask the male teacher that seemed like he was going crazy on the inside.

"It's this way, please, follow me." He says waving at Bucky and I as he begins walking through the hallway.

Turning to look at Bucky, I give him a look of confusion. Bucky simply shrugs his shoulders unsure of what was happening. "I guess we're going." I mutter, following after the teacher that had taken a left.

"It's the girl that was responsible for the bombing two days ago." Someone whispers just a bit too loudly, my neck snapping to the person that had said it.

It was a girl who was wearing the most obscure clothing that anyone could wear. "I was totally one hundred percent responsible for the bombing." I reply to her comment, raising an eyebrow at her.

"Could I get a photo with both of you?" Someone else asks, their voice eager and excited.

"Maybe if they have time after they finish what they're doing, you can get a photo." The teacher says just as I was about to say something.

I shake my head slightly, mentally face-palming myself. "Let the kid live." I respond to the teacher. "Sure, kid, it's just a photo." I say, nodding my head for Bucky to walk over.

"Thank you so much." They say, pulling out their phone with shaky hands.

"It's no problem." I tell her, standing beside her as she opens her camera and switches it to its front-facing mode.

The teenager snaps a few photos after Bucky had stepped into the frame. "Okay, thanks." She gratefully says before closing the camera and putting her phone away.

"Anytime." I respond to the teenager before continuing to follow the teacher.

"The office is this way." The teacher informs Bucky and I.

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