Chapter 63- The Long Awaited Party.

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"Alright, everyone. Let's get ready, the party is in an hour!" Tony shouts as we enter the floor that our party is going to be held.

I hold onto Wanda's hand as my eyes scan the massive room that was practically the whole floor. "So cool." I murmur before looking at Wanda with a huge smile. "You look beautiful." I compliment the Sokovian who had adorned a tight black dress.

"These heels are annoying." She sighs. "You look amazing as well." She tells me with a smile.

If you were wondering what I was wearing, I was wearing a white dress that was looser than Wanda's but it has sleeves and covered most of my body for the reason that I had the suit Sam gave me underneath. Don't judge me but if Burnt Popcorn ends up attacking, I don't want to be in a dress and I also had three earpieces inside the pockets of my suit. "Let's grab a seat and wait for it to begin." I tell Wanda, leading her over to a couple of seats.

The room had a stand in the middle with a microphone attached to it, most likely for where I was going to speak after being announced. Food caterers were sitting in their mini kitchen area waiting for the guests, a bar sat next to it, bottles sprinkled on the back wall. "Only one more hour." Wanda gleefully squeaks. "I can't wait for you to officially be a part of the team." She adds.

"Well, Faye and Lizzie will be here soon." I respond. "Pietro looks like he's itching to get out of that suit." I whisper, pointing at the white-haired Sokovian who was scratching the inside of his suit.

"He doesn't like suits, he'd rather wear a sweatshirt besides Steve gave it to him." Wanda informs me.

"The amount of make-up you and Nat made me wear was a bit too much don't you think? I'm naturally beautiful." I say to her, reaching under my sleeves and fixing my suit.

"I agree with that but I just want your photos to look good when the reporters start taking them." She responds.

I hum in response as I look around the massive room, one side of the building was just windows. "It's crazy that we're on the 30th floor and there are ten more above us."

"We're pretty much in the middle of New York as well." Nat speaks up, moving two tables to the side. "Can you two help move a couple of tables and seats please?" She questions both of us.

Wanda and I look at each other before a huge grin writes itself onto the Sokovian's face as she looks back at Nat. "I don't know can we?" She questions.

"You know what? Nevermind." Nat shakes her head as she continues to move things.

"May you both help us?" Steve questions while carrying 7 chairs stacked on top of each other above his head.

"Yes, we may." Wanda answers before waving her left hand and allowing her magic to begin lifting tables and chairs, moving them around the room.

"You're both childish." Nat mutters as she watched Wanda lift tables and chairs.

"It wasn't that hard to ask Romanoff." Wanda smirks as she places the objects down where they were supposed to go.

"I'M HERE!" Someone shouts from the doorway, my eyes zooming spotting Faye standing in the middle of it. She was wearing a green mid-sleeved dress and had her hair flowing down both sides of her head. Tony is the first to greet her, giving her a hug before backing off and pointing at Wanda and I.

Faye begins making her way over with a huge grin on her face. "Hey." I greet her, standing up from my chair and holding out my arms.

"Hey." Faye responds, holding out her arms and hugging me. "You both look amazing." She says as we let go of each other and she goes to greet Wanda, whispering something in her ear that I barely missed out on.

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