Chapter 54- It's a Starstrucking View.

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A/N: Thanks for 700 reads :)

"You teleported." Liz states with an unimpressed expression as she sits on the couch. "Where'd you go and what'd you do?" She questions.

I look at her with a light smile. "Nothing bad."

"That's what you said to me when you interrupted my photoshoot." She smirks with a raised eyebrow.

"In my defence, I didn't mean to break the glass." I defend, raising my hands.

"You broke a halo light as well." Liz reminds me.

"I paid it back." I tell her with a light chuckle.

"Mhm." She replies. "Maximoff should be here in a couple of minutes." She changes the subject.

"How do you know that? She could be coming later. I mean it's 8pm." I question her.

"Just a gut feeling." She shrugs.

"I bet you fifty bucks that she won't be here in ten minutes or less." I grin at her, holding my hand out for her to shake.

"Deal." Liz replies with a huge smirk as she shakes my hand. "I can't wait for that fifty to be in my hands."

"You're going to lose, I don't know why you think she would be here in less than ten minutes, she doesn't have her P's so she can't even come here." I remark with a confident tone.

"I don't know, there's something in my gut that tells me otherwise." She shrugs.

"Your gut is lying to you." I respond, sitting down next to her on the couch.

"That's what you think." Liz says, pointing at me.

"I'm just saying the tru-" I get cut off by knocking at the front door, I look at Liz who just has a big smile on her face.

"Money?" She questions, holding out her hand.

I shake my head and stand up. "Not yet, you don't know if that's Wanda." I shrug as I walk over to the door.

"I'm pretty sure it is." She responds with a teasing tone.

I grab the door handle with my right hand and twist it, opening the door, and coming face-to-face with Maximoff. "Hey." She whispers in a soft tone.

"God damn it, Liz! Come get your money." I huff, pulling out my wallet and grabbing $50 bucks.

"FUCK YEAH!" I hear her shout as the sound of footsteps comes from behind me, the 50 dollar note being snatched out of my hand and footsteps running off. "THANKS MAXIMOFF!" Is the last thing I hear Liz shout before silence takes over the air.

"You bet on me coming here?" Maximoff questions, breaking the silence.

"Olsen said you would be here in ten or less minutes." I answer as I pull my arm with the bracelet behind my back.

Wanda nods slightly with pursed lips. "Was she the one that sent the address?" She questions.

"Yeah, I was about to, but then she stole the phone out of my hands." I tell her. "Do you want to come in?" I ask.

"Can we talk outside? I don't want to invade." She softly says as she twists her ring in the corner of my eye.

"You won't invade anything but sure." I inform her as I step outside and shut the door behind me, I step over to the porch step and sit down on it, patting the spot next to me for Wanda to sit down.

A few seconds go by before Wanda sits down next to me on the stairs. "How are you?" She questions me.

I look up at the darkened sky that was revealing stars slowly. "Good, I've been good." I say as I hide the bracelet with my other arm.

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