Chapter 53- Everyone Admits Their Own Faults Sometimes.

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(Wanda's Pov)

"What the fuck did you do!?" I question Steve with a raised voice.

"I tried to make her unconscious so she couldn't leave." Steve responds.

"You didn't think that if she's halfway through teleporting she'll end up in the middle of nowhere?" I question, now annoyed.

"All I did was try helping." Steve defends himself.

"Well, now she's god knows where and Tony has threatened that we're going to find her when we don't know where she is." I laugh sarcastically.

"What did you do Wanda? Lara told me that she was about to stay before you went and talked to her." Tony speaks up.

"I went to talk to her because I was one of the only ones still searching for her, you all gave up after the first month." I remind them.

"We gave up because one month in and nothing new showed up." Tony remarks.

"You don't get to speak. You gave her a coded message!" I shout at him.

"Romanoff, care to weigh in on this?" Tony asks the redhead that was now in the room with Bruce.

"What? Why do I have to weigh in?" She responds.

"Because, you were the one that was with her for the past few days." Tony answers, rubbing the bottom of his chin.

"I was with her because she requested me to be with her, that doesn't mean she told me anything." Nat remarks.

"That's funny." Tony chuckles, sitting down on the couch.

"What does that mean? You had contact with her for the past eight months but kept it from all of us." Nat accuses Stark with a raised eyebrow.

"I'm sorry?" I interrupt, looking between the two.

"Oh? You don't know? Lara told me that she's had contact with Tony the whole time." Natasha repeats herself.

"Is this true Stark?" I question in an annoyed tone.

"Yes." Tony states, clearing his voice.

"Oh. My. God." I laugh to myself. "I can't do this. I can't do this right now. For the past eight months. You have had contact with Lara and you never told any of us." I say, laughing even harder.

"What's so funny?" Stark questions.

"It's just that you have had contact with her even though you knew I was searching for her." I remark.

"I had contact with her because I just wanted her to tell me how she was feeling every now and then. I didn't message her about anything else." Tony clarifies.

"Give me the phone." I tell him in a stern tone.

"Why?" He questions me.

"Because I want to message her something." I answer. "Give me the phone." I instruct, holding out my hand.

"It's not on me." Tony shrugs.

"Go get it." I hiss at him.

"Fine." He huffs as he stands up and walks over to the elevator. "Jarvis, unlock the elevator doors." Is the last thing I heard him say before the doors opened and closed when he entered it.

"Where is Pietro?" I question, only now realising Pietro was the only person that wasn't here.

"Off for a run." Steve answers. "He won't be back for a while."

"Great." I laugh. "This is great."

"Wanda, are you okay?" Nat questions me with a concerned expression.

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