Chapter 75- Hidden Bunkers.

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(Thatcher Webb's Pov.)

Wiping my nose, I pull my finger away, blood covering it from the fucking ball that had slammed me straight in the face. "You're lucky, you're not dead." I tell Maximoff's unconscious body that sat tied up in the machine again.

"Sir, I'm sorry to interrupt." A soldier says, entering the room with an iPad.

"What is it?" I ask him, wiping my finger on my pants.

"A sensor roughly thirty minutes out has been triggered." He answers.

"Is it the usual hikers?" I question, taking the tablet off of him.

"No, sir, this is a new person." He responds.

"Is there a camera out there?" I ask, a grin appearing on my face.

"No, we'd have to wait for them to get closer before we can see what they look like." He answers.

"Okay, if there's anything new, tell me immediately." I instruct him, handing the tablet back.

"Yes, sir." He nods. "Hail Hydra." He says before walking away and exiting the room.

"Hail Hydra!" I shout, looking back at the Maximoff girl after knowing he was gone. "Always despised that slogan." I mutter. "Your friend will be here soon." I tell the insensible girl.


(Lara's Pov.)

After an hour of walking, I was roughly 25 minutes away from the coordinates that my USB had given me. "My legs feel like jelly." I groan, stopping for a second and stretching my legs. Out of everything for this whole journey of trying to get to Wanda and make sure she's safe, I never thought that the most painful part of it would be the long ass walk I have to do.

Finishing my stretches, I immediately start walking again. "Why'd he have to build it all the way out here?" I mumble, rolling up the sleeves of my suit as much as possible which wasn't much.

I hadn't bothered messing around with my suit, I didn't know what it was capable of. All I knew was that it'd be flexible enough for me to have fast reactions and not be baggy and slow me down.

I had my music playing since I started my walk, thankfully Tony had bought Premium for the whole team so I was just listening to a playlist I had made. I couldn't exactly see Thatcher's base yet or any hint as to where it is considering I can only see mounds and mountains behind those mounds so it wasn't like I was having any fun with trying to find it. Looking down at the coordinates and lining it up with the map, I begin walking a tad more to the left after realising that I was off course.


(Nat's Pov.)

"Hi, everyone." Parker says, boarding the jet with Tony.

"Sup, bug boy." Sam greets.

"Tony, you took him out of school?" Bruce questions. We had picked him up a bit before Parker since he was in the area and we agreed that we needed Hulk to help us.

"Of course, I did. It's not like he had anything important." Tony answers, a cheeky smile on his face.

"I was doing a maths test but I finished it a bit before Mr. Stark called me to the office." Peter speaks up.

"Tony." Steve sighs.

"What? He finished his test, he's smart." Stark responds. "Besides Lara was the one who made the deal with him."

"Where's the metal suit you said you had for him?" I ask.

"In that box." He answers, pointing to a clear case box on top of the case that had something sitting in there.

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