Chapter 74- Someone's Will Can Only Take So Much.

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(Lara's Pov)

"Ms. Twiney, Mr. Stark has just informed me that you intend on going to rescue Ms. Maximoff by blindly running to where she is being held." Jarvis speaks up.

"Yeah, what about it?" I ask him, zipping up the front of the white suit Sam had given me.

"Would you not risk the chance of being captured as well?" The A.I answers.

"I could care less about the chance." I respond, exiting my room and walking to the elevator.

"If Thatcher Webb has taken Wanda to lure you towards him, wouldn't you be giving him what he wants?" Jarvis questions as I tap the button and call for the elevator.

"I would be." I reply. "But I would only be doing that if I was stupid and didn't know what I was doing."

"But you don't entirely know what you're doing. You would be running into the base blindly with no idea what the layout is." Jarvis says.

"I'll leave breadcrumbs on the ground indicating where I have and haven't been." I joke, entering the elevator after its doors had opened.

"That is not a smart idea, if Thatcher and his people are wise they will pick up the breadcrumbs and set up a trap waiting for you." Jarvis responds as I click the button for the 2nd floor.

"It's an exaggeration, Jarvis." I say, watching the doors shut.

"Do you not care about the health and safety of yourself?" Jarvis asks.

"What do you mean by that?" I question.

"You always put yourself in dangerous situations not caring about the risk." Jarvis explains.

"I've never cared about the risks." I shrug, exiting the elevator after its doors had opened.

"Does this not endanger the people around you then?" The A.I asks.

"Are you trying to keep me busy?" I query, walking to the living room couch and sitting down.

"Mr. Stark told me to try and stop you but I feel the need to let you be." Jarvis answers.

I pull my phone out of my suit's pockets and unlock it. "Well, Tony's not gonna stop me from doing what I wanna do." I reply, opening Google.

"Wouldn't it be a good idea to listen to Mr. Stark?" Jarvis asks as I type up Henderson, Nevada.

"Normally, yes. But Wanda's in danger and is probably being tortured so listening to Tony isn't something I want to do right now." I tell the A.I, tapping on images.

"Are you sure you know what you're doing?" Jarvis asks.

Looking at an image of an overview of Henderson, I picture a spot on the ground in my mind. "Not really, but I've never fully known what I'm doing." I answer, feeling my blood accelerate through my body.

"Ms. Twiney, I have to warn you that you might be underprepared. You are not going in with any weapons or any sort of protection, you would basically just handing yourself in." Jarvis states.

"I'll manage." I reply, clearing my throat and releasing a breath. "Time to try saving Wanda and probably fail." I mumble, shutting my eyes and feeling my powers activate.

Focusing my thoughts onto the spot that I wanted to teleport to, I relax my muscles and let my powers overtake me. The comfortable couch falling out from underneath me. "Ow." I grunt after having fallen onto my ass.

Opening my eyes, I was no longer in the Compound but now I was where I had pictured myself, the rays of the sun blinding my face forcing me to cover my eyes with my hand. "Why does the sun have to be so bright?" I sigh, slowly taking my hands off my eyes and adjusting to the brightness. "Where am I exactly?" I ask myself, pulling my phone out of my suit and pulling up my location on Google Maps.

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