Chapter 77- Scarlet Coloured Hurricanes.

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Approaching the end of the hallway, I close my hand into a fist. "I'm gonna die, a tragic death." I mumble, reaching the door.

The door slides up in front of me, a room with a table facing the side visible from where I was. "Here we go." I sigh, cautiously walking into the room.

Looking towards where the table was facing, I see Wanda strapped to a machine, her limbs spread out in a starfish. "What kind of sex dungeon is this?" I ask myself walking towards Wanda.

"Just a normal one." A voice says from behind me. My head snaps around, Thatcher entered the room from a door. "Surprised to see me?" He asks, his arms raised slightly.

"Not at all." I respond, narrowing my eyes at him.

"You're finally back where you belong." Thatcher tells me with a pleased smile.

"Begrudgingly." I state, clenching both of my fists.

"I'm not here to fight, just here to talk." Webb replies, putting his hands up in a surrendering manner.

"You missed that opportunity when you kidnapped her." I tell him, nodding towards Wanda.

"Oh, her? She's fine." Thatcher says, walking over to the table. "How's life?" He asks.

"Good, I mean you're in front of me so I'll be able to kill you." I answer him.

"That's not what you want, you can't kill what made you." Thatcher says, sitting down in his seat.

"You have an ego that's the double of Stark's." I tell him.

"I can't wait for you and Maximoff to start working for us." Thatcher says, a smile on his face as he points at me and then at Wanda.

"That's funny." I respond, laughing at what he said.

"It is funny, I mean it's true so it makes it funnier." He says, getting up from the chair.

"What makes you think I'm going to believe you?" I ask him, an amused expression on my face.

"Because you can't run from what you were designed to do." He answers, moving the chair out of the way and standing behind the table.

"I was designed to beat the ever-loving shit out of you." I say.

"You're not gonna do that." Thatcher says.

"Let's find out." I tell him.

"You're not gonna win, you don't have control over your powers." Thatcher says.

"What makes you say that?" I question, positioning myself in a defensive stance.

Thatcher lifts his hand up, a plasma beam shooting out straight towards me. Unable to dodge out of the way, the beam hits me, thrusting me backwards through the air and onto the ground, my skin changing back to normal. "If you had control, you would've felt that coming." Thatcher says.

I groan from the ground for a second before pushing myself back up. "Oh, you are so dead." I tell him, rushing at him.

Thatcher charges up another beam. "You're gonna regret this." He sighs before shooting it at me.

Narrowly side-stepping the beam, I slide over the table, punching Thatcher across the face.

"Fucking slut!" He shouts, focusing back on me and gripping my throat harshly.

"What the fuck?" I croak out as Thatcher lifts me from the ground.

"You are going to learn to listen since you clearly didn't learn from the first time we met." He grits, choke-slamming me into the table.

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