Chapter 3- Breaking Walls With My Back.

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I sat there for a good five minutes debating my options, I mean either way all three of these options end up with me at their compound but the third one maybe I had a chance to get away. In the end, I sort of wanted to end up at the compound because who wouldn't? It's the Avengers compound. Suddenly, it just struck me why were there only two unless there was more outside? That could be the truth and that would mean I have a lower chance especially if Tony Stark and Thor are here because that would mean that I had pretty much no chance of getting out of here.

"Please choose the second option, kid, it will be easier for you." Uh, what the hell was that? No one said anything and I know for a fact that no one else heard our conversation because these walls are pretty sound proof but not if people are having fun with their partner. Not only that but the voice sounded like it was in my head.

"I'm sorry did you say something?" I ask the two curious if my guess on telepathy was correct.

They both looked at each other then at me both with puzzled looks like I was going crazy before Natasha's look changed into one of realization. Uh oh, shit I think I blew my cover. "No, we didn't, but we do need your answer." Natasha said while scanning my face and darting her eyes back to mine while Steve no longer had a puzzled look but looked a tiny bit confused.

I gotta get out of here while I still have a chance. I stood up and looked at them before darting to the door. Opening it and running to the stairs all in fluent momentum, I got halfway to the stairs before something round and metallic-like hit me in the back causing me to stumble before my powers healed the injury. Thank god I have them otherwise that would have bruised badly. After my powers healed the place where I was hit it allowed me to instantly regain my footing and keep running to the door. Behind me I heard something along the lines of "She's running down... Stark keep an eye out... Find me... Fastest way." I guess that was Steve's voice as his voice got quieter and quieter the further I ran down.

A door swung open and revealed a man with cut black hair, blue eyes and what looked like either an arm covered in metal or just genuinely a metal arm. I couldn't process what fully happened since it surprised me, the metal arm made contact with my stomach with such force that it ended up pushing me through the wall behind me leaving a hole in it as dust left the debris. I was in what looked like someone's bathroom. God, that's a lot of asbestos. I coughed before getting up on one knee as air returned to my lungs before turning my attention back to the man that I now definitely know has a metal arm.

"I'm sorry about that. It looks like you had quite the fall. I didn't think the wall would break that easily." The dark-haired man said, walking through the hole in the wall. I didn't even say anything to him before sweeping my feet and hooking my legs under his in a fluent motion, pulling it as he falls to the ground and lands on his back against the tiles causing him to release a groan of both surprise and pain.

The bathroom door bursts open, a person looking angry. Immediately changing to a surprised expression at the sight in front of him. Quickly, I got up, stepping over the man's body and back through the hole to go down the stairs before saying "I'm sorry Mr Stings." I continue my trip to try and get to the bottom floor to leave as I attempt to escape.

The rest of the trip was surprisingly easy since no one jumped out of any doors allowing me to get to the bottom floor. The only door that was there led to the lobby, so I had to bust through it. Knowing that they're the Avengers I'm gonna have to guess someone will be waiting and boy was I right, Natasha stood at the entrance with a patient face as she saw me. "You can't get out of here, Stark and Wilson are flying around. The second you step out that door alone you will be attacked and forced to the compound. Now that, that's out of the way. Why don't you come with us, and we can resolve this so no one has to get hurt." She said with a caring tone as if she knew me for my whole life and only wanted me safe and protected. To be honest I almost gave up as my muscles started to relax before remembering why I left in the first place causing me to focus again as well as my muscles tensing slightly.

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