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A.N - So welcome to my first ever Changlix fanfiction: 'Loverboy'. I never thought I was going to publish this yet here we are. This will also be my longest fanfiction so prepare if you're willing to read this chaotic mess.

I do wanna add that I am such a hypocrite. I hate fanfictions where they go straight into drama and whatnot yet this fanfiction does that as well. It's such a pet peeve of mine... *sighs*

I just wanted to add that just in case anyone reading this would get annoyed. Writing this, I didn't expect to do that and I am hella lazy so I'm not gonna rewrite all of that.

If you haven't seen in the story's description:

- I'm using their birth names and not their stage names (eg: Lee Minho rather than Lee Know) because it seems more correct and 'realistic'

- The other ships included are:
• To be revealed ;)

- In this world, Changbin is somehow taller than Felix (crazy right?! Jkjkjkjk ly Binnie)
Taller than Jeongin but shorter than Minho

- No smut because if I tried, it would be trash but, there is some spice✨, nothing crazy IMO, there may be some sexual references and whatnot

- Contains swearing so excuse my potty mouth and uh- yeah... fuck...

- I aim to make each chapter at least 950 words but some do have more/less than the aimed word count but I'm sure it's not that big of a deal... right? /(0.O)\

- Every chapter has a unique emoji indicating a part of that particular chapter so in some world where someone would reread this, you can easily find whatever chapter you want

- And on a serious note, this story does contain mentions of suicidal thoughts and self harm, actual practices of self harm.
Read with caution.
Chapters including these topics with have this emoji: ⚠️
These chapters may not add much to the story so you may skip them if you're uncomfortable reading these sort of scenes.

Please enjoy. - Em🦋

FELIX took in the chilly air

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FELIX took in the chilly air. The weather was different in Korea. He wasn't quite used to this new climate, after all he had lived in Australia all his life.

There he had made a childhood friend named Christopher. He was completely devastated when Christopher had turned 13, he moved to Korea to pursue his love for music, easily passing an audition for an entertainment company. It had been 5 years since then. They promised each other to keep in touch, clearly that hadn't worked out.

Felix was standing alone in the park, a large suitcase in hand. He could see the dorm, his new home across the street. He noticed the light was on. His new roommate was most likely inside. His new roommate... the person he would live with for who knew how long.

Felix finally stepped inside the building, taking the (h)el(l)evator til' he soon reached the door. His shaky hand made a small, sheepish knock on the door. He could hear small sounds from a TV and a running of a tap. "WAIT A SEC!" He heard a guy yell.

Felix waited for a little while until an extremely handsome and fit guy opened the door. "Oh- you're not Lisa." He muttered, looking quite annoyed.
"Uh no- I uh-" Felix scanned his brain for what he wanted to say. He luckily had learned a lot of the Korean language before he arrived but suddenly his mind was blank. "Uh- what's the word..." He stammered in English.

"I'm guessing you speak English. Korean is your second language?" The older boy said in broken English. Felix's eyes widened and he softly smiled before remembering that the guy had gotten angry at him earlier. "Uh- yeah- I'm sorry. I'm your new roommate." Felix then said confidently in Korean.

"I guess you're not completely stupid." The guy rolled his eyes jokingly. Felix didn't know how to respond so a small awkward laugh escaped his mouth. "I'm Seo Changbin." Felix nodded and held his hand out. "I'm Lee Felix."
"F-felix? Yeah- I'm gonna call you Yongbok."
"Wha-what?" Felix stammered as he hadn't heard that name in so long.
"Got a problem with that?" Changbin laughed.
"N-no... not at all..."

Felix lied. Felix has always been his name. That was never gonna change. "So are you gonna come in or?"
This comment snapped Felix out of his thoughts and he giggled. "Yeah- sure." Changbin opened the door a little more and Felix finally stepped into the dorm. It was extremely clean and neat which slightly shocked the younger.

"It's a bit messy- I forget you were coming today."
"What- no- this is perfectly fine."
Changbin smiled and he showed Felix to his new room. It was definitely bigger than his childhood room. It had all the ammenities he needed. A spacious closet, a door leading to his own bathroom, a large desk perfect for late night studying.

"Welcome home." Said Changbin.
"Thank you Changbin-hyung." Felix said happily as he started to unpack his suitcase in excitement.
"I'll see you later." Changbin gave a warm smile which made Felix's heart slightly flutter.
What a wonderful situation for Felix. A little sub gay kid who now had a hot male roommate.

Felix laughed about how easy it was for him to fall for people. As he was slowly arranging his new textbooks on his desk he realised he was suddenly a bit thirsty so he decided to go to the kitchen to get a glass of water. He opened the door and to his surprise Changbin had a visiter.

The two were passionately kissing as if they were desperate for their lips to touch.

They finally stopped when the girl noticed Felix with his jaw on the ground. She was tall with a slim figure, bangs, shoulder length hair. Felix thought she was absolutely beautiful. "OH- uh- sorry!" The girl stammered. Changbin looked extremely embarrassed. "Do you wanna meet tomorrow instead, baby?" The girl nodded and she gave a little wave to Felix, who was still completely petrified.

The girl had left the apartment and Changbin looked extremely mad. He stormed to Felix. "What the fuck is wrong with you?!" Changbin spat. Felix stared into his eyes. He was scared to say the least. He had no idea about her. "I-I didn't know-"
"Why couldn't have you just stayed in your room?!"

At this point Changbin was practically screaming at the younger. "Let me guess? Thirsty?" Changbin got a cup and quickly filled it with water and he shoved it into Felix's chest. "Now you're hydrated." Changbin pushed Felix to the side and he paced to his room, slamming the door behind him.

Felix couldn't move. The glass of water now in his hands had spilt all over his sweater but somehow his face had gotten wet. It was from his tears that were spilling slowly from his eyes. Felix walked back into his room and immediately felt overwhelmed. He placed his cup on the bedside table and sobbed. This was the person Felix was going to be stuck with for his stay in Korea.

He didn't even know this guy and he had just screamed in his face. Felix didn't know the girl was going to be there. He didn't know Changbin would've gotten so angry. He didn't know a lot of things.

"Why am I so stupid..." He muttered before crying himself to sleep.

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