xiv 🍫

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"WHO can hit that low note though..." Chan asked as he looked around the room. Seungmin, Jisung and Jeongin immediately shook their head.
"There's no way- I couldn't." Jeongin said slightly disappointed in himself. Chan could detect the younger's sadness. "It's okay Jeongin, no problem at all. No need to beat yourself up about it." Chan said as he assuringly played with Jeongin's hair to cheer him up.

Once again, Jeongin felt his heart flutter and he felt on top for the world. Chan always knew how to make him feel better. "You know what- I don't even think I could either." Changbin sighed as he sat down. "Should we just rewrite this part?" Asked Jisung. Soon, Changbin heard his phone ringing, it was a call from his roommate.

"Sorry! You're with the group right?" Changbin heard Felix say who was slightly panting.
"Uh yeah but it's fine, what's up?" Changbin replied.
"I'm out grocery shopping and you told me to buy something but I completely forgot what you asked."
"Oh! Um- I think I asked for cereal."
"Ok done! I'll see you later." Felix ended the call and Changbin went back to the others who were still discussing the potential change in the song.

"Wait- could Felix help?" Jisung asked. "His voice would be perfect for this section, it's incredibly low."
"How did I not think of that?!" Changbin immediately called Felix again.
"Binnie? Did you forget something you wanted?"
He instantly blushed at the sound of his nickname.
"Uh- no I uh- so we've chosen a track and we've come up with a few lyrics and we think this one part would be perfect for you."

"Oh! Yeah sorry- I uh- just have never done this sort of thing before. Are you sure you guys want me on this track?" Felix asked skeptically.
"Of course! You'd be great." Said Chan.
"Alright, I'll definitely think about it. Bye!"

"Looks like we may have that covered, but I still feel like we need more voices." Said Jisung as he looked over lyrics he had scribbled onto his notebook.
"Yeah, I think we should find more people. If you guys know anyone, please let us know as soon as possible." Changbin replied.


Seungmin decided to go out, he hadn't in a while. He needed some alone time, he could not stop thinking about how he was definitely rejected by Hyunjin.
It really hurt, even after a whole week it still hurt.

Seungmin found himself at a small cafe he had never been to. It seemed very put together and strangely such a calm and relaxing setting compared to the busy streets and traffic around. It almost made him forget about everything.

He eventually got himself a small hot chocolate with marshmallows and extra whipped cream and he took a seat far from the rest of the cafe. He must've zoned out for a while because once he took a sip, he felt his tongue burn from the scalding heat of the drink.
"OW!" Seungmin placed the cup onto the table and ran to the bathroom. He ran his tongue under cold water and he shivered. "Ah shit..." He muttered.

Once he got a feeling back in his tongue he sat down in his seat again to see a little bag on the chair in front of his. The cafe was pretty full and Seungmin could see it was the only available seat left. Since the cafe was so quite, his eyes widened when he heard a familiar voice. "Could I please get one hot chocolate with marshmallows and extra whipped cream please?" The voice said.

Seungmin wanted the world to swallow him whole just so he didn't have to face the boy who the voice belonged to. What was he meant to do? Hide behind the fake plant? It seemed like the best option. Maybe he should be mature and instead discuss his feelings.
He patiently waited until finally he locked eyes with the boy he was dreading to face.

Hyunjin smiled and he took his seat.
"H-hi! Wow I didn't expect to see you here. We haven't talked in a while."
"Yeah! Because you don't respond to my messages."
"I've been pretty busy preparing for school."
"Oh right- in two weeks we'll be back on campus."
Seungmin so desperately wanted to tell Hyunjin how he was currently feeling. He wanted to scream, possibly even cry about how hurt he felt.

Maybe he just had to accept the fact that Hyunjin would never ever have feelings for him.

"So... what's up?" Hyunjin stammered attempting to break the awkward silence.
"Nothing, I just got back from working with '3RACHA' and Jeongin."
"Oh yeah! Changbin told me about that. I didn't know you could sing."
Changbin. Even the sound of the name made Seungmin want to cry.

"Y-yeah... I'm not that good though. It's sort of a hobby." Seungmin muttered.
"Could you sing for me?" Hyunjin asked as he leant on his elbows looking at the younger in awe.
How could you say no to that face?
"I- I uh... I guess I could."
Seungmin scanned his brain for a song. His usual fanboy self would immediately have chosen a Day6 song but at that moment, he remembered a song he had heard while being on Spotify.

I still remember
the third of December,
me in your sweater
You said it looked better on me
than it did you
Only if you knew
how much I liked you
But I watch your eyes as she
Walks by
What a sight for sore eyes
Brighter than the blue sky
She's got you mesmerized
while I die
Why would you ever kiss me?
I'm not even half as pretty
You gave her your sweater,
it's just polyester
But you like her better
Wish I were Heather

Hyunjin's eyes could not leave Seungmin. He was in complete shock at the younger's amazing talent. He felt his heart flutter and he knew he was in love.

Lover Boy💔(A Changlix Story)Where stories live. Discover now