xlix 😮

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JAKE looked up to the two boys.
"I'm sorry, have we met before?" Hyunjin asked the unidentified boy. "Oh- you must be Hyunjin and Seungmin! I'm Sim Jaeyun, I'm not sure if Felix and Jisung let you guys know I would be here." Changbin scoffed to himself in response to the boy's comment.

"They definitely didn't tell me that..."
"You're such a mean drunk...' Felix spat.
"You're such an idiotic drunk!"
"I hate you!"
"I hate you more!"
"You have no idea how much I hate you!"
"Same! With your stupid handsome face and those adorable freckles!"
"You shut up with your gigantic biceps and perfectly built bod-"

"Both of you shut up before the land lord kicks Jeongin and I out of the dorms!" Jisung exclaimed. He hated it when people fought and he especially hated it when it was his friends.

Felix and Changbin growled at each other and jumped up from the floor, face-to-face not breaking eye contact. "You guys need to talk." Jeongin ushered the two to the guest bedroom. As soon as the door closed, the two went back to absolute silence. The alcohol in their systems was slowly being digested but, the pain and hurt were just as bad when they were sober, maybe even worse.

"I don't like it when you yell at me..." Felix said slightly hiccuping as tears slowly fell from his eyes. "I don't like yelling at you at all... I'm really sorry..."
"I'm sorry too, I didn't realise inviting Jake would've affected you so much. I just wanted all of my friends to get along... I guess I wasn't thinking..."
"I'm sorry for overreacting... I guess a part of me was slightly..." Changbin cringed at himself.

"Slightly what?"
"Slightly... jealous?"

Felix was definitely taken aback and he suddenly felt guilty. "Oh no- I never ever wanted to make you feel that way! I'm so sorry Bin- I should've never said yes when Minho and Jisung asked me, I should've said no- I'm so dumb! What's wrong with me? Please, please, please don't be mad at me! Please?"

Before Changbin could utter a word, Chan slammed open the door. "I'm really sorry to interrupt- but Seungmin and Hyunjin want to say something... they said it was something really important that they wanted the whole group to know. Apparently it's urgent."

Changbin immediately knew what this was about and his expression darkened. Felix looked across to see Changbin's face. The once comforting, sweet and merciful eyes now looked dark, angered and cold. He wanted to know what Chan had said that made the older so much more tense and furious. Or maybe Changbin had gotten even madder at Felix.

In silence, the 3 walked back to the living room. Jisung was sitting on Minho's lap, Jeongin had an empty spot next to him, presumably for Chan and Jake sat on a little bean bag further away from the group as he sipped on a little drink. He decided on his own that the news that the two boys had to announce didn't need to be heard from him.

He wasn't part of the group after all.

"Please sit down."
Chan took his seat next to Jeongin, the younger immediately snuggling into his side. Felix and Changbin found two foldout chairs next to the couch for the two of them.

"Alright... so where do I start?" Hyunjin nervously chuckled. "Ok... so- Seungmin and I have been sort of MIA." The group nodded in understanding.
"And we want to tell you why." Jisung and Minho looked at each other and smiled. Their friends were finally going to tell the others the truth. "For the past 4 months... we've been lying to you all..."
The group exchanged multiple confused and slightly worried expressions.

"We're dating." The two said simultaneously.

"That makes a lot of sense."
"Took you guys long enough."
"Mhm... cute!"
"What a shocker."
"Why were you guys so scared to tell us?"

"We didn't know how you guys would react. I also wanted make sure that our relationship was strong enough before we would tell you guys. It would've been really awkward if we broke up like a week after we told you guys, but right now I'm not scared. If I'm honest, I think our relationship is stronger than ever." Seungmin explained with an evident blush.
Hyunjin had to pretend to brush his nose with his hand to cover the developing redness of his cheeks.

Changbin frowned. He had known this huge secret the whole time. Was he mad? Definitely yet, he wanted to know why. Looking at Hyunjin, he seemed so happy as he looked at Seungmin admiringly. Small sparks of all too familiar and old feelings flowed through his mind. His thoughts of anger and jealously like a cold gripping hand was scratching his skin.

But he decided to ignore them.

He looked to his side to see Felix and his mind forgot about everything. He couldn't give up on Felix, there was no way.

"Do you know how difficult it was to keep your secret?!" Jisung exclaimed. "Sungie baby-" Minho replied, attempting to calm his boyfriend down.
"You knew?" Chan asked.
"Yeah! I've known for more than 3 months and so has Minho and I have-"
"You're too chatty when you're drunk." Jisung shut his mouth, turned on the older's lap and cuddled into Minho's neck, slightly embarrassed.

"The squirrel is now silent." Minho said as he rubbed the younger's back. Jisung now starting to feel drowsy from all the alcohol. "Now that's out of the way, how about we play a little game to break the ice, get you guys to get to know Jake better." Chan said. Jake had been sitting by the window for a while and he joined the others with a smile on his face.

"Jake... truth or dare?"


"Aaand then~ Heeseung took me to this suuuper sweet date and then... I saaaidd... 'I looove you!'~"
A few hours had passed from the initial truth or dare and let's just say everyone was wasted. As per usual, they all changed into their drunk personas including Jake. The other 8 boys 'aaaaawwwed' after the boy had finished his story.

"T-that's sooo beautiful..." Seungmin said tearfully, slightly stammering.
"He must reeeeally care for you." Jeongin cooed.
"My little Jake-y Wake-y has a boyfriend." Chan said proudly, sloppily patting the younger's head.

"Mhmm... as you guys can tell, Jisung is exhausted-" Minho said referring to the sleeping boy in his lap.
"-So I think this is a great time to go do whatever you want and then go to sleep." Everyone immediately agreed. "Changbinnie~ should we finish our convo we ha-had earlierrr?" Felix asked as he crawled to the older who was lying on the pile of beanbags. "Sure..." Changbin replied as he rubbed his eyes.

It all was going to be alright...


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