lxix 🖤

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A.N - hehe funny number, I'm so mature 🤡

"Just take it... please..." Changbin said firmly before placing the hoodie in the younger's arms.
"This hoodie was your mum's favourite colour and you bought it to remember her, I can't risk ruining it!" Felix said panicked, growing gradually more worried as he held the clothing in his hands.
"But you're cold."

Before Felix could retaliate, the older started to whistle to himself as he walked away from the younger towards the direction of the dorms.
"H-HEY!" The Australian put the hoodie on and instantly sighed as he felt the warmth consume him like a comforting hug.

The cloth had taken in the older's scent, Felix's noticed Changbin always wore the same expensive cologne everyday but, the hoodie too smelt clean and like a mixture of citrus-like scents. He snuggled into the slightly oversized hoodie and smiled to himself as he placed his slightly shaky hands into the pre-warmed pockets.

"Are you coming or not?" Changbin yelled, who was quite far from the younger's current location.
"YUP!" Felix adorably ran with a slight waddle that made the older's heart flutter. He thought Felix looked so small in his hoodie and the younger was without a doubt one of the cutest people he knew.

They were about to enter the apartment and Felix was already slightly pulling the sleeves away from his arms. Changbin raised a brow and looked right into the younger's eyes.

"Lix, what are you doing?" He asked as he fiddled with the dorm's key.
"Oh- I was about to take off the hoodie. Do you want me to wash it for you? It wouldn't be a problem." The younger replied.
"Nah... just keep it."
"Like don't clean it?"
"No- as in keep the hoodie for yourself."

Felix was definitely taken aback.
"B-but you wear this hoodie all the time, you said it was your favourite- I can't keep it!"
"Seriously, please keep it! You look cute in it."
The younger profusely blushed and giggled to himself, but audibly enough for the older to hear.
"Ok~ I guess I will~" The older smiled and finally unlocked the door.

He couldn't help but grin as he watched Felix play with the hoodie strings. The littlest of things the younger did, Changbin found himself falling for the Australian deeper and deeper every time. He wanted Felix to take his whole closet at that point, he loved the sight of his crush in his clothes. He wanted to see it forever. The memory of Felix in his peach coloured hoodie was now tattooed in his mind and he liked it.

The Australian wore Changbin's hoodie for the rest of the day. For dinner, the boy's movie night, whilst brushing his teeth, after taking a shower and to bed. Although the hoodie was a good 2 or more sizes larger than Felix, it felt like a perfect fit to him. He noticed a small sparkle in the older's eyes when he saw him in his hoodie. It was moments like those when the younger liked to imagine the possibility of Changbin liking him back.

Maybe just maybe, he would gather the courage one day to tell his true feelings to the Lover Boy.


Felix snapped out of his thoughts and stared at the hoodie in his hands. The little logo that was on the upper left had almost completely disappeared and the younger could no longer remember what it had once said. The scent of citrus had significantly faded and Felix found his eyes start to tear up. He hadn't worn the hoodie in a while but, it still meant so much to him.

It was one of the many acts of kindness Changbin had given to him before they dated, the article of clothing was like a precious gem to the boy. He knew if he put the hoodie on again, he'd never take it off and that he would've glued himself to the walls of the dorm to stay with his roommate.

Although the breakup was temporary, it all felt so real to Felix and he hated the thought of letting go of the older. The boys were soulmates and that wasn't going to change anytime soon. Felix needed to see his sisters again and visit his late mother's grave.

Even though it was her idea for Felix being kicked out of the household, he knew his mother loved him despite her drinking problem. The most important thing was that his mother was there for him and had helped him when he had nothing. He couldn't have been more grateful. Without her, Felix would've never reunited with Chan and Jake and he would've never met of all of his amazing friends and of course, Changbin.

His father in fact was the one to blame for his misery. Felix had lost his childlike and curious wonder, he was stuck being anxious and self deprecating and he hated it. He hated everyday waking up to only think of his studies, his schoolwork, his tuition, his duties as part of being a school leader.

Was he even a human anymore or a human-like robot shaped and moulded to be the perfect son for the perfect father in a perfect family. All Felix knew was how to lock himself in his room and bury his head into his many books for hours and hours of mindless strokes of his pen on paper. It was thanks to his lovely roommate who helped him break from his shell and make him feel like he belonged and mattered.

That Felix deserved love.

The boy rolled his eyes when he realised his thoughts had taken plenty of his packing time. He discarded the hoodie, placing it on a hanger and leaving it with the rest of his clothes in his closet that he decided to leave while he was on his month leave. He dragged the boxes and kicked them to the sides of his room to give him room to walk freely.

Felix opened the door to see his father on a phone call, presumably for his business.
"Felix, I have a meeting in 27 minutes. I expect by the time I return, you will be finished with your packing." Mr.Lee commented as he placed his phone into the pocket of his suit.
"But sir, I still have a few more days here..." Felix muttered, attempting to not mumble.
"Very well, you don't need to pack your textbooks yet." Felix mentally rolled his eyes and nodded.

"Goodbye sir, I will see you-"
The door had already been slam shut.
"-soon..." Felix sighed with relief as now his father had left the dorm. But he still was slightly on edge. He was now aware of the cameras that his father had hidden throughout the rooms, he still had no idea if they were still in operation.

"I'm so fucked..."

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