xxxvi 🍕

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A.N - Double update because I've been M.I.A

FELIX let a soft giggle escape his lips as he wrapped his arms around the older's neck.
"Thank you hyung." He whispered before placing a gentle kiss on Changbin's cheek.
"When will I be lucky enough to have you be mine and only mine?" The older sighed.
Changbin pouted adorably.
"Only when you're ready and then I'm all yours." Felix replied with a smile.

His stomach soon grumbled again and Felix clutched his tummy from pain.
"Ok- we're getting food so Lixie doesn't starve to death. What would Bokkie like?" Changbin asked as he scrolled on a food delivery app.
"Lixie wants pizza please."


The two were resting on Felix's bed. Their limbs were entangled, the younger's head resting on Changbin's chest, comfortably cuddling into the older.

The time was 12:39 am and Changbin was stuck to say the least. The koala had his arms and legs tightly wrapped around the older's waist and Changbin needed to get back to his own room.

The older slowly slipped his body out of Felix's grasp which only caused the younger to start to stir in sleep. Felix softly groaned from the lack of warmth that the older had provided.
"Don't go..." The younger whined as he sat up.
"I need to go sleep."
"Then sleep here! I need to cuddle."

Changbin chuckled to himself.
"Fine... it's hard to say no to you." Changbin said as he slipped back into the sheets.
"I know!" Felix beamed before once more he held the older like there was no tomorrow.

As the older watched the younger slowly drift off to sleep, he couldn't stop thinking about all the things he wanted to tell Felix. His heart belonged the younger and he only wanted Felix to be his. But then again... there was one other boy that wouldn't leave his thoughts.


Hyunjin was sitting on a park bench as he waited patiently for his boyfriend to arrive. He had a little basket at his side and he took in the cool breeze. The boy's mood immediately lit up when his eyes caught the sight of Seungmin.

He had always looked put together but today he looked more handsome that just usual. His hair was styled effortlessly and his outfit was so simple yet complimented the boy's natural visuals.

"H-hey Seungmin." Hyunjin unintentionally stammered. He mentally slapped himself from embarrassment.
"Hyunjin, you look great today, well you look amazing all the days actually." Replied Seungmin, equally as awkward as the blushing red Hyunjin. "Thank you." The older muttered before shyly placing a sweet kiss on his boyfriend's soft lips.

"Shall we?" Seungmin asked as he stood up and held his hand out. "We shall." Hyunjin laughed to himself and he took Seungmin's hand. The two walked hand in hand to a silent spot away from the other couples or families who had also decided to take advantage of the beautiful weather.

Both boys forgot about the world when they were together. They couldn't have been happier.


"You have no idea how happy I am that we're going on a date but- I suck at bowling hyung." Jeongin muttered as Chan paid.
"Come on, this is not about how's gonna be better but all that matters is that we're together and we're gonna have fun. Okay?"
"Okay..." Jeongin reluctantly replied.

The boys changed their shoes and found their reserved lane. "I'll go first." Chan said as Jeongin took a seat. The older carefully selected a bowling ball and he took a deep breath before rolling the ball straight into the gutter. Jeongin smirked when he saw the absolutely flustered and embarrassed expression on Chan's face.

"I- I swear I'm usually really good! That was just practice!" The Australian exclaimed while scratching his neck. "At least I don't have to worry about embarrassing myself." Jeongin placed a soft peck on the older's nose. "Wish me luck~" The younger shakily took a bowling ball coloured a deep red colour that competed with Chan's tinted cheeks. Jeongin shuffled along the floor and he sighed as he closed his eyes, rolling the ball onto the lane.

He immediately turned around when he heard the sound of the ball dropping only to see Chan with wide eyes. "W-what's wrong?" The sound of pins toppling immediately snapped him out of his thoughts. Jeongin was in utter disbelief when he read the word 'STRIKE' displayed on the screen.

"I-I GOT A STRIKE! CHANNIE-HYUNG I GOT A STRIKE!" Jeongin said hysterically as he jumped around the older boy teasingly. No words could leave Chan's lips as he was completely petrified. He smiled as he watched the younger do a little dance in celebration. "Good job Innie but... no more Mr. Nice Guy!" Chan wrapped his arms around Jeongin's waist and picked him up.

"HYUUUNG~ PUT ME DOWN" the younger whined. "I'm never letting you go..." Chan grinned.


Jisung was silently singing to himself, writing little lyrics that came to his mind. Minho was watching his boyfriend in awe and he smiled as the younger made little adorable faces when creativity struck. The older stood up and pinched his cheeks making the boy blush immediately.
"H-hey! What was that for?!" Jisung exclaimed when he saw the smirk on his boyfriend's face.
"Because you're the most adorable squirrel I know~" Minho cooed.

"Thank you but- I can't work when you're in the same room." Jisung pouted. "Well what are you working on?" The older asked. "It's a little song called 'Secret Secret'. I've had the idea for a while but after everything that's happening and all the secrets being kept in the group, I don't know, it just seems like the right time." Minho softly smiled and pressed a light kiss on Jisung's forehead. "How about I go to the bakery and get some cheesecake?"

Jisung's eyes lit up and he pounced on Minho showering him with kisses. "THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!" He squealed. "I love cheesecake." Minho laughed and held the younger tighter.

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