xxiii 🎉

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FELIX was quickly packing his things and his smile lit up when he realised Changbin had been waiting outside of the classroom. He heard a thud and soon a familiar face was now talking to Changbin. Felix had seen him around the school. He knew the face but not the name. The boy must've said something hilarious because Changbin had started to hysterically laugh until he looked back to lock eyes with the latter.

"Ohhhhh... do you wanna talk about this somewhere else that is not the most crowded area in the school?"
Changbin asked the boy. Felix's head tilted when he heard the question. Before he knew it, Changbin and the other were out of his sight. He was lonely again.

Felix sighed and he dragged himself to the cafeteria by himself feeling rather pathetic. He had almost gotten lost about 4 times despite having been at the school for almost a week. It seemed like he still needed more time to adjust to the large maze-like campus. He eventually found the cafeteria and a table with 6 of his friends. Hyunjin gave Felix a warm smile and immediately ushered him to take a seat.

Why did Hyunjin have to be such a nice person?!

"Hey Felix, how was your classes?" Seungmin asked.
"Boring, repetitive, basically revision." Felix muttered. "So... like any other class?" Seungmin laughed. "Do you know where Changbin is?" Hyunjin asked. Felix internally rolled his eyes. Of course Hyunjin would ask where Changbin was.

"I don't actually know, last time I was him, he and another guy in our year level walked away from the classroom. Changbin was meant to walk with me here." Felix sadly muttered.
"He left you alone! But you're still new, you must've gotten lost on your way here." Chan whined.
"I almost did but it's okay, I'm here and alive."
"Maybe you should get a newer and better school guide." Chan laughed.

Felix spotted Minho and Jisung both looking at Jeongin who was looking rather upset.
"Are you okay Jeongin?" Felix asked abruptly.
"Y-yeah of course!" Jeongin smiled widely like his usual self. "Oh okay- you seemed kind of down."
"Nah- I'm totally okay, just a bit tired."
Minho and Jisung were enough with the bullshit.

"You all are coming over and we're just gonna hang out alrighty?" Minho demanded. "No exceptions." Jisung said as he eyed every single one of them. Everyone looked at the couple as if they had a few screws loose but they still complied.

Everything was going to be fine... right?


"So they just invited us to a party?" Changbin asked as he fiddled with Felix's bracelet that was on his wrist. "It was really random, I have a bad feeling they're planning something though." Felix stammered. "Where were you at lunch anyways, you were really late." Felix said, hoping to get answers about the mysterious boy he had seen with Changbin.

"Oh- well it was just Jung Wooyoung talking to me about him and San."
"San? Choi San? What happened?"
"Well San and Wooyoung actually like each other but San's father really wants him to get a girlfriend. Apparently San is moving to a different school too." Changbin muttered.

"That must be really upsetting." Felix exhaled and he suddenly felt pity for San. Even though San had said the most awful things to him, he could see himself in his shoes. It must've hurt a lot to realise you could never be with the one you love. Felix sighed and he fidgeted with the backing off his earring.
"Should we head off?" The younger asked as he checked the time on his phone."
"Mhm... yeah we should."

Felix who hadn't even noticed Changbin's outfit, felt his eyes widen. Changbin was wearing faux leather pants, a black shirt that fit well to his toned body and some boots that looked hella expensive and of course he topped his outfit off with his signature cap.

"Like what you see?" Changbin said jokingly as he noticed Felix staring at him for an extended period of time. "Well I just think it's a really nice outfit-" Felix spat in response. Changbin tangled his fingers into the Australian's hair and gave him a soft smile that made the younger's heart flutter.
"Come on Lixie."


"Welcome to chaos." Said Minho as he let the others in. They saw Jisung chilling on the couch as he was scrolling on his phone. He immediately lit up when he saw Felix enter the room. "Hi Lix!" Jisung exclaimed as he jumped up from the couch.
"Someone's hyper..." Hyunjin laughed.
"Lix- my twin and bestie is here!~" Jisung cheered as he and Felix held hands as they jumped in a circle together like children during a sugar rush.
"Should I be jealous?" Minho laughed.

"Ok, but for real, why did you and Jisung invite us over?" Asked Chan as he sat on the couch.
"Because this friend group is messed up." Said Jisung bluntly as he and Felix left each of these grip.
"Messed up? How so?" Asked Seungmin.
"We are gonna talk our shit out and have a fuck ton of alcohol." Said Minho. "Why? Because we are done with you 6 idiots not being honest with each other."

The others exchanged weird glances at each other but they agreed they needed something to do after a stressful week.


A few shots in, Hyunjin was flat out giggling his head off, Jisung and Minho were shamelessly making out and Seungmin was sobbing for who knows what reason. Chan was extremely sleepy and he laid on the couch. Felix ended up being Chan's pillow and he too was laughing along with Hyunjin and Changbin was getting mad at Jeongin who had accidentally spilt his drink. "This is why I'm never drinking." Jeongin said as he watched his friends with disgust and in horror.

"HEY! WE ARE PLAYING TRUTH OR DARE BITCHES!" Minho slurred as he pulled away from a flustered Jisung.

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