lxiii 🚂

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HYUNJIN couldn't stop staring at the clock. He had been waiting at the train station for what felt like hours but in fact it had been about 30 minutes.
He felt antsy, he couldn't bear to wait another moment. It was extremely difficult for him to be away from Seungmin, even for a minute, but the younger had been gone for the whole weekend and the older was desperate to see him again.

For the 19th time, Hyunjin looked up to check the time on the large clock on the brick wall, Seungmin's train should've arrived a few minutes ago. It was a lie to say Hyunjin hadn't grown a bit worried, the younger hadn't warned him about a late arrival or a delay.

Was Seungmin even coming back today?
Maybe the younger had actually meant he would be away for 2 weeks rather than two days, Hyunjin didn't have the best memory. But like clockwork, he lit up as soon as he saw a train quickly approaching the station. He finally would be able to see the boy he had missed for the past 48 hours.

The doors opened and large groups of people burst from each carriage, few screams and exclaims from the people as they hastily spilled onto the platform. Through the bustling crowd, Hyunjin easily spotted the most handsome man he knew and loved.


Seungmin neglected his bag leaving it just out on the platform before the two ran towards each other, embracing one another in the tightest hug humanly possible.

"One weekend was way too long..." the younger sighed. "You thought that too?!" Hyunjin said surprised as he pulled away from Seungmin.
"Of course, I thought about you the entire time I was away." The older blushed and quickly pulled the younger into a long awaited kiss.

"Mhmm... that was worth waiting for..." Hyunjin muttered. "You're always worth it." Seungmin smiled. "Hyunjinnie... I'm starving." The younger admitted as he placed his hand on the older's cheek. "Then why are we still here?! Come on!"

Like two wild children, they ran hand in hand through the station completely ignoring the confused and judging looks of the other people around them. It only mattered that they were together again at last.


Changbin slipped off his bed, rubbing his neck. He definitely slept in a awkward position that night. The boy groaned as he practically dragged himself out of his bedroom to see the younger frantically sorting through the piles of papers stacked all over the occupiers kitchen counter.

"MORNING BINNIE!" Felix exclaimed energetically as he scrambled to rush to the fridge, pulling out a clumsy plate of food. "I MADE BREAKFAST FOR YOU!" Changbin watched in horror as the Australian shoved the plate into the microwave pressing random buttons before running back to his stacks of work. "ENJOY THE FOOD!~" The younger screamed in a sing-song tone.

"F-Felix... you're scaring me." Changbin said as Felix's eye twitched.
"Remember when I told you I shouldn't have too much caffeine?" The older nodded. "This is Lee Felix after 5 cups of black coffee with a higher concentration of coffee beans."
"Lix- it's 7 in the morning!"
"And I was meant to wake at 6:30 for morning revision, dad says I should wake at 5:30- oh well- too bad so sad!" Felix messily scribbled nonsense all over his notebook that Changbin couldn't understand and he immediately ran to the younger, wrapping his arms around him.

"Hyung is really sorry... hyung really is..." The older felt his heart break as he felt the younger start to sob. "W-why hyung have to be sorry?"
"I can't protect you from him, Lix- he treats you like shit, what kind of a boyfriend am I to let that happen to you. You're practically loosing your mind." Changbin said as he pulled away gently cupping the younger's head in his hands as if Felix was fragile and about to break even from the softest touch.

"You're being enough just to be here for me, how many times do I have to say that? Aren't you the one who taught me to say 'I'm enough'?"
"But Feli-" The younger pouted and hushed the older up with a quick peck. "You talk too much."

Changbin's jaw was slightly agape at the sound of the familiar sentence, he slightly shook his head and wiped the the younger's cheeks completely ignoring the tear stains on his shirt and the microwave's constant reminder that the food had completed heating up.

"Mhm... your father... h-he asked me to go to a lunch with him later, he said he wanted to talk again and apparently it's important." The older said as he played with Felix's hair. "But it's a school day..."
The younger whined as he pulled at the hem of the older shirt.

"I know, we always try to have lunch together but you know out of all people would know how he would get if I back out of it."
"Yeah... yeah- yeah you're right- I'm sorry... I just wanted to have lunch with you today..."
"He said he'll get me excused from school after the meeting and then I can walk you back to the dorms before your study session."

Felix sighed and let go of Changbin's shirt.
"Why does he have to affect you too? You're not even related to him, all that he knows is that you're my roommate. How would he act if he knew about us?!"
The older's eyes widened once he felt Felix grab desperately onto his clothing looking him right into his eyes, fear clearly painted in his iris'.

"I'd hope he would treat his future son-in-law well."

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