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A.N - attempt of suicide, read with caution

CHANGBIN didn't know what to think. He didn't know what to do. He didn't know how to react. He didn't how to feel. His nightmare felt like it was coming to life and it was standing right in front of him. The person he was most scared of, was right in front of his eyes staring deep into his soul.

He was shaking, his skin was ice cold from the harsh weather, the heavy rain pouring from the sky. Changbin shivered and slowly backed away from the latter. He couldn't speak one word.

"Miss me?"


"Speechless? That's so unlike you."


"What do you think you were doing?"





Find the bridge.

Find the bridge.

Find the bridge.

Changbin suddenly found an unknown strength in himself. He ran and ran through the streets and he barely lost his breath. The bridge was a great deal of distance away from his home, but that was now the least of his concern.

He remembered when he was a child, his mother brought him to the bridge. It was a hot and bright summer day and they decided to spend some time together. They walked along the panels of wood and admired how the the sunlight hit the water below, creating the most beautiful paintings.

The lake was enchanting and mysterious and it intrigued the boy. Changbin vividly remembered telling his mother he wanted to swim in the water and begged her to let him.


"엄마 (Eomma)! Can I go swim in the lake?" A young Changbin said, he had already slipped his sneakers off and started to roll his socks.
"CHANGBIN NO!" She screeched once her son started to sit on the edge of the bridge.
"W-why not?" The boy whimpered as his mum put his shoes on and tied them securely with a double knot.

"That is so dangerous, honey. I don't mean to sound scary but- if you fell from all the way here into the lake, you could've gotten really, really hurt! Look how high up we are." The woman scolded the young boy and could see Changbin was really upset about it.

"We could always go to the pool, how about we get some ice cream?" She offered holding the boy's hand. "No! You're mean! I hate you meanie!" Changbin huffed and walked away, his face now housing an evident, bratty pout.
"Gosh- that boy is so stubborn." The woman muttered to herself as she watched her 4 year old storm away.

His mother then held Changbin's hand and squeezed it tightly and smiled. "Do you still hate me?" She asked with a slight whisper.
"Y-yes..." Her son stammered.

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