lxxxiv 🐈‍⬛

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A.N - It's Felix's birthday! He's my ult bias so this is very exciting and I just adore his personality, his talent, his stage presence and pretty much everything about him. I'm so happy for our sunshine and Stray Kids. They all deserve the best as they've worked so hard to where they are now. Let's continue to support them! ✨💛☀️

HYUNJIN panted as he was soon running out of breath. He skipped a few steps on the stairs as he rushed to the dorm. When he arrived, he inhaled sharply and quickly knocked on the door, but it was quite pathetic since he was obviously tired.

"Hyunjin! Thank you for coming." The girl in front of the boy sighed with relief and gave the older a hug. "Lia... tell me- what's wrong with Yeji?" Hyunjin asked as he pulled away from the younger. Lia simply gave a frown and huffed.
"She won't stop crying, I mean ever since the engagement she's been upset, but for the past week she basically never leaves her room."

"Have you tried everything?" The boy asked as he stepped into the dorm.
"We've invited our friends over to try talk to her but, Yeji wouldn't cooperate and would dismiss them, even when I ask if she wants to eat out, she always says no and even when I suggest binge-watching a new TV series together, she continues to be locked in her bedroom." Hyunjin shook his head, took his shoes off and closed the door behind him.

"Yeji?" He quietly spoke as he approached his sister's bedroom door. His heart broke as he heard soft sobs and whimpers from behind the panel of wood.
"Hy-Hyunjin-hyung? What a-are you do-doing here?" Yeji's voice was coarse and barely audible.
"Lia told me you've been upset for a while and I want to be a good big brother. Will you please let me in?"

"Can't you just me alone?" The younger whined as she wrapped herself in her fluffy blanket, imitating a caterpillar in a cocoon.
"You've wasted your time and you can leave now."
"I'm not going to leave my room, let me wallow in my depression!"
"Hwang Yeji...

If you're ever upset, you should tell me. I know how hard it is to open up to people, like even me, your own brother, but- I want you to know that I'm always going to be there for you. I may not be that much older than you, but you're always going to my baby sister, so let me take care of you because I know you'd do the same."

"Hyunjinnie... I don't want to..."
"You don't want to what?"
Yeji wiped a fresh tear from her eye and hugged her knees to her chest.
"I don't want to marry him, I don't want to marry Choi San just because father says so... we don't even like each other- since when do fathers get to dictate relationships like this- I'm fucking engaged to him!"

"Is that why you've been so upset?"
"Last week dad invited San and I to a stupid dinner to plan our wedding... I hoped if I locked myself in my room for the week then everyone would forget about me so then San would forget about me and then dad would forget about me so then everyone will forget about the wedding so I can get my life back so then I can get Ryu..."
"So then you can get your ex back?" The girl sighed. "You know, it's okay to be upset..."

The girl's eyes widened and she removed herself from her fluffy blanket and slowly but surely started to step away from her bed. Yeji always had a soft spot for her older brother.

A sudden click and a rattle echoed through the dorm and Yeji's bedroom door creaked as the girl finally opened it. Hyunjin smiled and in return, his younger sister smiled as her brother engulfed her in the tightest hug humanly possible.

"She hasn't talked to me since I told her about San..."
"I'm sorry Yeji.." The girl cried as the boy patted her head comfortingly. "Do you think she would let you explain yourself? You know, tell her everything."
Hyunjin asked as he lifted the chin of the younger. "I- I don't know, when I see Ryujin at school, she always looks away."

The older turned to Lia who had been sitting on the couch the whole time and gave her a smile. He sat next to the girl and leaned towards her ear.
"Do you happen to have Shin Ryujin's number?"
"Oh- she's actually a part of our friend group but since the breakup..." Lia expressed a sound that could be compared to a hiss and she scrunched her nose, "-it's been really awkward and the group sorta split."

"That's sounds familiar." Hyunjin knew this story way too well. "Can you tell her to meet you at the cafe near the dorms and quick. Say you have something really important to take care of."
"Sure, I think Yeji and Ryujin both need this... mhm... you're a great brother."
"And you're a great friend." Hyunjin gave the younger a handshake and returned to his confused looking sister.

"And what do you think you're doing?" Yeji asked with a raised brow. Hyunjin shrugged and gave a small chuckle. "If you're trying to fix my love life, you can't if yours is still messed up..." The younger spat. The boy's eyes widened from surprised. "Ryujin probably wants nothing to do with me and I think she definitely hates me. If you can't even talk to Seungmin, why would you try so hard to fix my relationship. Mind your business."

The girl rolled her eyes and left Lia and Hyunjin who were now in disbelief, locking herself into her bedroom once more.
"Uh... Hyunjin?" Lia huffed as she stared at her phone screen. "Yes?" Hyunjin sighed as he faced the girl. He couldn't take any bad news. "It's about Ryujin... I asked her and she immediately knew what was going on, she clearly doesn't want to talk to Yeji and she definitely said no..."


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