lxxxviii 😿

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CHAN and Jeongin
Minho and Jisung
Hyunjin and Seungmin
San and Wooyoung

And where did Changbin fit into the mix?

The 9 of them were close but sitting in their couples and pairings. Unfortunately the cafeteria table had only room for 8 seats on the table so Changbin stole a seat from the back of the room and placed it between San and Wooyoung to sit specifically next to the younger of the couple.

Although Changbin tried really hard, once the group collectively stopped talking, every couple would then take the opportunity to talk to another and discuss topics such as dates, romance and their such perfect relationships. Even Hyunjin and Seungmin seemed to be a little closer than anyone would've expected.

The boy announced he wanted to go to the bathroom but the others appeared to not have heard him. Changbin sighed and left the table without another word. He crossed his arms over his chest, his hands now holding onto his opposite elbows as he walked through the empty halls.

The boy was alone, it was very clear now.
He had no one on his side.
He lost his best friend and all of his own friend group ignored his own existence.
Nobody paid attention to him,
nobody cared one bit about him.
Why should they, all of the drama and hurt,
it was all Changbin's fault.
He caused the issues, he was the one to blame.
He was the problem.
So what was the solution?


The boy's eyes widened when he heard the familiar voice. It was shaky and sounded as if the latter was on the verge of tears. Not again...

"W-why did you kiss him? Why did y-you kiss Hyunjin?"

The deep voice whined, slowly getting louder as the Australian was approaching him.

"Felix?" Changbin muttered under his breath as he cautiously turned around.


The boy finally turned around and his heart dropped once he saw who was behind him.
It was indeed the boy he loved, but he was a mess.

His hair was sticking out in all kinds of directions, his eyes and nose were red and his milky skin was paler than ever. Prominent dark circles laid beneath his eyes, showing the younger hadn't slept in a while.

"You see this, Changbin?" Felix lifted his long sleeves to his elbows to show his bleeding wrists, long, thin yet deep cuts flowing with blood. "I cut myself, all because of you, this is all your fault! If I had never met you, I could've been in the happiest boy in the world, but you did this me- YOU RUINED ME!"

"I NEVER MEANT FOR IT TO HAPPEN LIKE THIS! I swear- I was blinded by my anger when I saw Jake kiss you and I was just so overwhelmed that at the time I wanted to make you feel the way I did. I was so hurt and what I did was inexcusable... I'm- I'm so fucking sorry, Lix..."

"D-don't call me 'Lix', you pathetic piece of crap. Guess what? I let Jake kiss me, because I love him and he loves me! He's handsome, he's kinder, he's more romantic and he's so talented and on his way to debut as an idol, you on the other hand are barely keeping up in rehearsals!"

Changbin trembled and his looked down to his own hands which were shaking in fear and shock. "Listen here and listen real close." The Australian said as he pushed the older, slamming his back onto the lockers behind them. "I will never love you back. You are heartless and undeserving of love. You're pathetic and you're nothing... well- you're nothing but a Lover Boy..."

The boy's eyes blurred with tears and his sobbed harder and harder. He wiped the tears away and choked and hiccuped as he was holding them back but once his eyes were fully open, his tears no longer blurring his vision, Felix was no longer in sight.

It was just a hallucination...
But all he said was true...


Although the 4 couples were so invested in their own conversations, Chan eventually realised one was missing. "H-hey guys! Changbin left the table. Do you guys know where he went?"
Suddenly the other 7 stopped talking to one another and they nervously laughed as they all too hadn't realised the boy mentioned was gone until the eldest had brought it up.

"I feel like he's been away for quite a bit, I'll go try find him." Chan said as he stood up from his seat. The others nodded and Jeongin decided to accompany him since he really wouldn't have anyone else to talk to besides Seungmin.

Although they were best friends, during this lunchtime, Hyunjin and Seungmin had been talking all through the time the group was together. The youngest knew it was the perfect time for the ex-couple to bond and potentially 'fall in love' with each other again.

He had too much hope for the two.

Together, Chan and Jeongin searched across the school and even looked at places where Changbin wouldn't be caught dead in, like the library. They assumed since it was difficult to find him, that the boy didn't want to be found. But why? Jeongin was a bit tired and whined as he realised he had a P.E class next period, Chan suggested the boy could relax for a bit whilst he continued with his own search.

The now solo boy was approaching the janitor closet since he now really had no idea where the latter had run up to, but he heard a very loud and very sudden thud coming from the staircase. It was right next the closet and that specific staircase was forbidden to student use since it lead to the rooftop. It was only allowed for staff who worked with the equipment that was stored there.

But those staff only worked before and after school times to avoid interrupting the students. So why would someone be going to the rooftop at this time of day?

Chan shrugged his shoulders at his thoughts and he ran up the staircase to avoid being seen by any teachers who were on lunch-duty. He couldn't be caught by a staff member or otherwise he would've found himself in a big load of trouble.

The Australian slowly opened the trapdoor above his head and climbed onto his new destination: the rooftop. Chan closed the metal panel behind him with care and his eyes widened once he recognised the boy he was looking for all this time.

His back was turned, away from the older. His hands were behind his back, his hands interlocked, not daring to seperate. "I won't let him." Chan whispered under his breath, his eyes slowly brimming with tears at the sudden realisation of what the younger was planning.

He ran to Changbin, wrapping his arms around the boy's waist and hugging him tightly.
"Let me go."
"Please... don't."

Lover Boy💔(A Changlix Story)Where stories live. Discover now