xci 😀

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A.N - I just realised this story as reached 4K reads! That's the most I've ever received from all of my writing. Thank you to all who are bothering to reading this mishmash of drama. Ily all 💛 - Em🦋

THE Australian set the freshly baked brownies onto the counter and slipped his oven mitts off, placing them in the nearest drawer. Changbin was sitting on the other side of the slab of marble with a fluffy blanket draped over his shoulders, the blanket coincidentally gifted from Felix months and months ago... from a much simpler time.

"Go ahead... have one." The younger said as he pushed the plate towards the older.
"No thanks..." The now shorter retorted.
"Come on- they're really good, if I do say so myself."
The now taller replied.

Changbin was furious.
No- he was confused...
No- he was hurt...
No- he was terrified...
No... no... no...

He didn't know what he was feeling and he didn't like it. Because the older was so silent, the younger lost any sense of patience. Felix huffed and took a brownie in his hand, in the process burning all of the skin cells on his fingers. He quickly and harshly blew on the baked good and shoved it into the older's mouth with no hesitation.

Changbin exclaimed muffled cries but in response, the younger only laughed. "Sorry- can't hear you. Don't talk with food in your mouth." Felix laughed and took a brownie of his own to enjoy.
Although the treat was delicious and even better than Changbin remembered, the boy was stubborn and persistent on staying mad.

"I'm done- what are you doing here?" The older suddenly commented. Felix was pouring Changbin and himself glasses of hot chocolate until he heard the latter speak. "I'm pouring you a cup of hot chocolate, enjoy while it's still hot." The younger replied as he handed the boy the mug.

"Felix..." Changbin huffed before taking a sip "-answer my question." The younger rolled his eyes and sighed. "Chan found you on the rooftop, about to jump off, he told you not to do anything like that again and he believed you like a good friend. Once he found out you were missing, Seungmin called me because he thought I'd be able to help. I happened to be in Seoul to help my dad with his company."

"And you did... how?" The older asked as put his cup on the counter. "Just gut intuition, I remembered you telling me this little story. You were 4 and you wanted to swim in the lake under the tall, abandoned bridge but your mum didn't let you."
"You remember that? But I told you that story when we were drunk."
"Well you took 12 shots, I had like 4."

Changbin wanted to laugh but just by looking into the eyes of the Australian made his stomach turn and he felt quite dizzy and nauseous. The two silently sipped their hot chocolates in peace, although once in a while Changbin would chatter his teeth everytime he felt a shiver down his spine.

"Don't tell me you're going to get sick!" Felix exclaimed with a pout and furrowed eyebrows as he approached the older. The younger removed the hot chocolate from the shorter and placed it onto the counter before effortlessly picking up the latter, bridal style.

"HEY- WH-WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Changbin exclaimed as he suddenly wrapped his arms around Felix's neck. "Uh- I'm taking you to your room, do you still have that little heater?" The younger asked before gently laying the older onto his bed.
"Yeah, I have it, it's in my closet." The Australian nodded and opened the wooden panels to easily find the heater.

"You know- you didn't have to carry me, even if I'm sick, my legs still function."
"Well when I broke my wrist, you carried me."
"I was just freaking out because my boyfriend got hurt, how could I have reacted logically, I wasn't thinking straight."

Felix gulped and slowly turned up the temperature of the heater before facing the older once more.
"S-sorry..." Changbin muttered as he shifted on his bed "-I just- I haven't been able to- well..." The Australian shook his head and frowned.

"I haven't been able to forget as well, I guess I didn't even try. I sorta assumed you would've in the past 4 months, like move on and have found someone new." Felix replied as he scratched his neck.
"Why would you think I would want to find someone new? I don't follow." Changbin replied with a clear expression of confusion.
"I- I know but you... you're Mr. Lover Boy, 'the guy the girls want to be with and who the boys wanna be'."

Changbin let out a chuckle and covered his face in embarrassment. "If anything, I'm Mr. Love Repellent because everyone has been avoiding me like the plague." The younger stopped smiling and jumped onto the older's bed, now sitting at his side.
"W-what? What's going on?" Felix asked as he leaned onto his elbow.

"Since you left, rumours spread like wildfire, all over the school about the dumbest shit. People said I physically abused you, some said Hyunjin was cheating on Seungmin with me, some even said you and Seungmin had a thing as well. Well- most of the gossip was negative and mostly about me. Jisung and Chan stuck around but the others in the group don't even bother to speak with me unless we're at rehearsals or if they feel pity for me."

"That's awful."
"It's been like this for the past 4 months?"
"How have you stayed so resilient?"
"I can't, Jisung and Chan are basically my hype guys, occasionally Jeongin too, it's been hell, honestly."
"I didn't realise everything was such a mess..."

"How was Australia?" Changbin replied, immediately wanting to change the subject and to lighten the mood. "Well- you know, I got to hang out with Olivia and Rachel, my father actually tried to talk with me. It was weird at first but then I sorta got comfortable around him. He still doesn't like that I'm gay though, he kept trying to find me a girlfriend despite my clear and definite sexuality."

The two stared at each other and nodded. There was so many questions that they had, so many lost conversations had been lost in 4 months, yet by just looking into each other's eyes made them speechless and their minds blank.

"I missed you..." The two muttered at the exact same time, their hands slowly intertwining.

If only life was simple... it's more of a maze with many twists and turns and no matter how far you're in, you're just as lost as everyone else.

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