lxxxvi 😑

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The two were speechless. The older of the two gulped and immediately lowered his head, him now making eye contact with the floor. The younger gulped as he started to slowly walk towards the boy in front of him.

His head was telling him to stop with every step, but something magnetic and hypnotising was pulling Seungmin towards his ex, he didn't know what, but he couldn't resist against it.

Hyunjin's gaze finally left the floor and the younger was facing him, their eyes locking immediately and their synchronised breaths shaky and unsteady.

Seungmin bit his lip from nerves, a usual habit he obtained in the past few months and the older pinched his hand to distract his mind from the millions of thoughts running through his mind.

"I-I'm sorry... I'm so sorry that this- this is all my fault." Hyunjin suddenly muttered. "I really liked you for so long and I never plucked up the courage to say anything because I was always so shy and flustered around you. I spent months and months fawning over you and yet, I never could confess how I truly felt because I was a coward.

I helped Changbin make Felix jealous, I thought I was being a good friend and I all I did was hurt a friend and I definitely hurt you too. I was reckless- inconsiderate, I didn't think about the possibility of you getting hurt. I let it happen and I even developed a crush on Changbin too...

That day you confronted me about Changbin, I genuinely believed I had no feelings for him and that still remains today. Since I had gotten over my crush, I had never once thought about having romantic feelings for him, that was in the past and I don't plan on ever going back.

I ruined everything between us and I somehow led Changbin on and he still liked me- I'm honestly confused but, I just want to make it up to you because I can't stand the fact that you hate me and what nothing to do with you- I miss our endless talks on FaceTime, our infinite messages that took most of my phone storage, I miss everything about you and I don't want to live without one of my best friends I've ever had.

Please don't let my past actions and just absolutely stupid choices ruin our friendship... I'm so sorry..."

The older finally stopped blabbing and the younger only replied with complete silence. Hyunjin furrowed his eyebrows and tore his eyes away. "I don't know what else I can say at this point... no words could describe how sorry I am..."

Seungmin suddenly froze, he hated this.
He hated how his palms were suddenly sweaty. He hated how his cheeks reddened from the older's words. He hated how he had the sudden urge to kiss Hyunjin...

And that's just what he did.

Suddenly, the younger grabbed the older's shoulders, pulling the boy toward his body and he cupped Hyunjin's cheeks and stared deep into his eyes without a single word. Without hesitation, he pressed his lips against the taller's who responded by deepening the kiss further.

No regret filled Seungmin's mind, only happiness and passion. Hyunjin did not feel guilty or unworthy, only adrenaline and excitement.

The older was the first was the one to pull away to catch his breath. His full lips were swollen from the passionate kiss, his cheeks were rose-red and he was breathless. The younger couldn't look into Hyunjin's eyes again, he could only replay the moment in his mind over an over again.

He kissed Hyunjin and he liked it, he liked it very much.


Notification Centre:

Hey! Did you find Hyunjin yet?? 🔎


Seungmin glanced at his found and looked back to Hyunjin who was still in a huge state of shock and confusion. "I-I'm sorry... that was a huge mistake." The older's heart stopped once the younger paused mid-sentence.

"Why- why did you kiss me?" Hyunjin whimpered shakily. "I honestly can't give you answer, it just felt right?" Seungmin sighed as he scanned his mind. "But it- it shouldn't have happened." The older shoved his hands into his pockets after wiping his tears away. "Th-the others are looking for us, we have to go now."

The younger knew if the older knew what he was truly thinking, his heart would've been broken and Seungmin would only feel the feeling he was so used to: rejection.

He only wants us to be friends... I can't be his friend until I get over my feelings, otherwise I'll get hurt again.

I want to be there as a good friend for Hyunjin, I want him to be happy and if only being friends will make him happy, then that's what I'll do.

"What does the group have next?" Hyunjin asked to break the silence. "We have a singing rehearsal."
Seungmin replied as they both stared to walk side by side. "Are we working on the new song?" The older asked as he pressed the button on the elevator with his knuckle. "Yup, I think we may get to run through the whole song too..."

Stop. Feeling. Must. Get. Over. Him.
Ignore. His. Perfect. Visuals.

But how can I get over feelings in the span of a few seconds?

"Are you okay Min? You're really silent." The older asked with genuine concern.
"O-oh me? I'm okay! Just thinking about- stuff..."
"And what would this 'stuff' be?"


"I'm just thinking about the new song." Seungmin replied nonchalantly. "Oh okay- you had me scared for a moment." Hyunjin laughed as they stepped into the elevator, but on the inside he was pretty much the exact opposite.

I thought he'd be thinking about our kiss, but then again, it's pretty obvious he doesn't like me anymore but- why do I keep trying? The kiss didn't mean anything to him... He doesn't feel the same way anymore... I have to move on.

The stood opposing sides of the elevator, both leaning on the walls and looking at any other direction except towards the latter.

There were so many things that they truly wanted to say to another, but they were so scared of rejection. Besides, they broke up so long ago, there was no way that they still loved each other even after all of this time...


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