xxvii 🧚‍♀️

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"SO... I'm really sorry but- why are you mad at me?"
Seungmin scoffed as he looked at a clueless Changbin. "Oh- you're a lot stupider than I thought."
"Ok ouch... seriously tell me, I swear I'll apologise."
"You- you just get to have everything don't you?! You have a great roommate, amazing musical abilities, your popularity and the boy..."

"But you also have a great roommate, amazing musical abilities, you're way smarter than me so the teachers and principal are obsessed with you and the boy? D-do you also like Felix?"
"What?! ARE YOU ACTUALLY DUMB? I am talking about Hyunjin..." Seungmin finally admitted.

Changbin felt guilt shoot through his body. He had been using Hyunjin to make Felix jealous yet, he never thought about his plan making someone else feel awful as well. He should've realised it sooner but, the damage had been done. At this point, Seungmin had tears in his eyes but he wouldn't cry, he couldn't.

Changbin felt his heart ache as negative thoughts swallowed him whole, washing over him like an enlarged wave. He knew he had feelings for both Felix and Hyunjin, Seungmin was getting hurt as a result from his indecisiveness.

"I- I don't have Hyunjin. He likes you Seungmin."
The tear eyed boy looked to the older in confusion.
"Whenever we are together, you always come up as a subject, Hyunjin can't stop talking about you. I'd never have him when he only wants you."
Seungmin felt a wave of relief and happiness wash over him. Hyunjin really did like him back, he no longer felt insecure and worried. He actually had a chance with the boy he loved.

"I-I'm so sorry for lashing out on you... I should've asked before..." Seungmin apologised. "It's okay, I've made the same mistake as you." Changbin laughed. "Well... we should get back and record the song." The two walked back to the recording studio, happy they had finally gotten some closure, but then again Changbin knew he still had some feelings for Hyunjin. But Seungmin didn't need to know that.


"Wow... great job Seungmin! You really got some talent." Said Chan as he clapped for the younger.
"Thanks Chan-hyung." Seungmin said breathily.
"SEUNGMIN! That was amazing!" Hyunjin said as he practically pounced on the boy. "You're literally the best singer I've ever heard in my life." Hyunjin gushed whilst Jisung, Chan and Jeongin sunk in their seats. Seungmin was now red in the face knowing about Hyunjin's crush. "I-I'm not that great..."

"Hey Seungmin... you're lying... what is your problem?" Hyunjin adorably pouted. "You're cute when you pout." Seungmin gave a little wink and Hyunjin could've died at any given moment.

"Alright, last person is Felix." Said Jisung.
Felix was extremely nervous to say the least, he had never expected his friends to be such incredible vocalists as they were and then there was him. A guy who could dance but he'd never tried something like recording a full song. He shakily took the headphones and slipped them on his head. "And play track."

I'm trying to look for an exit
Take myself out from being trapped in the darkness
I'm fighting harder, run away from this place
I'm on the hellevator, I'm gonna go up

Immediately everyone's jaw dropped and Felix shyly smiled. "W-was that okay?" He sheepishly asked.
"Felix, we definitely need to do more tracks with you, with all of you. This is gonna sound sick as." Chan praised. Felix sighed with relief, he did a great job.
"Lixie~ that was so good." Changbin cooed as he wrapped his arms around the younger.
"You really think so?" Felix said whilst blushing profusely. "You're so talented- how unfair is life!" They both pulled away from the hug and they couldn't stop smiling at each other.

"I think I'm gonna pu-"
"Cry! This is too cute." Jisung chimed, cutting Minho off. "And they're only friends because?" Jeongin continued. "Because they're both stupid and can't catch a hint that they are in love with each other." Said Hyunjin as he rolled his eyes. "So everyone knows except for those two." Said Seungmin.
"Pretty much." Chan sighed. The 6 friends loved Felix and Changbin to death, but they all collectively agreed that they were some of the densest people they knew.

"Anyways... uh- Hyunjin could I please talk to you?"
Seungmin asked shyly as he fidgeted with his shirt.
"Oh? Y-yeah sure!" The other nervously stammered.
The two walked out of the room and found a little area outside to talk. So much was going through Hyunjin's head. What did Seungmin want to tell him? Was he going to tell him that he hated him? That he regretted taking the kiss dare?
Hyunjin was prepared for the worst.

"W-why do you want to talk?" Hyunjin asked as the two took a seat on the bench. "I wanted to clear the air and get some closure." Seungmin replied. "I just want the truth." Hyunjin gulped and he let the younger continue.

"I-I really like you Hwang Hyunjin."

Hyunjin felt a genuine smile slowly creep onto his face. Seungmin liked him back. "S-so what do you say?" The younger muttered, his hands slightly shaking from his nerves.
"I have nothing to say, may I show you instead?"
"I'm s-sorry?" Before Seungmin could question Hyunjin further, his felt his heart skip when he felt their lips lock in the most satisfying way.

The kiss was so much better without their brains being flooded with alcohol, and Hyunjin smiled into the kiss when he felt Seungmin shyly wrap his arms around his neck. "Did you get that?" Hyunjin asked as the two eventually pulled away. "Loud and clear."

It was like a fairytale.

"Seungmin... I don't want this to just be a little fling, a one time thing, I want this to be something."
Hyunjin muttered as he looked deep into the latter's eyes. "Neither do I but, what are you saying?"
"I would like to ask you out, like on a date."
Seungmin felt his cheeks redden and he nodded.
"I thought you'd never ask..."

Before they knew it, the two shared their second kiss that day.

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