xvi 🏫

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"BINNIE! DID YOU STEAL MY BRACELET?!" Felix yelled as he frantically looked all around his vanity. "Maybe~" Said Changbin as he admired the silver bracelet around his wrist. Changbin couldn't stop thinking about how expensive the bracelet was, the younger must've been hella rich since he was living in a completely different country from his family. It did make him wonder why Felix had a part-time job if he was completely covered.

"Do you want to wear it today?" Felix asked as he finally found Changbin laying on the couch, his bracelet around the older's wrist. "Mhm~" Changbin smiled when he locked eyes with the younger.
"Fine..." Felix gave a small chuckle and he poked the older's nose.
"Since you're so cute, I'll let you wear it." Felix said.
"Yoh! Don't say things like that!"
"Binnie is so cute~" Felix said in an adorable voice.
"AH! How does your voice do that?!" The younger simply laughed in response.

"Come on, we're gonna be late!"
"Late for your first day!"
Changbin grabbed Felix's hand and their backpacks and dragged him to the (h)el(l)evator.
"Wait- I thought we were gonna wait for Chan." Said Felix as he slipped the straps of his backpack on.
"Oh right- I'm sure it'll be okay." In fact, Changbin hadn't forgotten. He was happy he had gotten a few more minutes alone with Felix, away from Chan.

"We should at least tell him we're going without him." Said Felix has he turned on his phone.
Changbin secretly rolled his eyes and watched as Felix frantically messaged Chan. "Alright... and sent!" Felix beamed as he looked to the older.
"Could you please help me navigate around campus today hyung?" He asked.
"Of course Lixie." Changbin smiled to himself and the two finally exited the (h)el(l)evator.

"The school is crazy close." Changbin was right. In a matter a few minutes, they two arrived at their school. Felix looked around with wide eyes.
"Even though I was here for a tour, I'm still amazed about how big this school is." He said in awe.

Changbin enjoyed seeing a child like wonder spark in the younger's eyes, Felix was curious and kept asking questions about the different buildings. So many random and unnecessary questions but Changbin didn't mind, it gave him an excuse to talk to Felix.

"Changbinnie!" The two heard.
They both turned around to see Hyunjin, looking ethereal as usual. The two audibly gulped and silently panicked at how starstruck they were. Mostly Changbin, Felix still felt quite insecure and little compared to Hyunjin. I mean- who wouldn't?
"Hyunjinnie~" Changbin said, playing along.
Felix secretly rolled his eyes as we watched the two obnoxiously flirt. "Yeah... I'm gonna go find my class." Felix said before leaving the two 'lovebirds'.

"Welp- he's gone." Said Hyunjin.
"So maybe he's jealous, or disgusted, or maybe both." Changbin asked questioningly.
The two then fell into an awkward atmosphere. They weren't even looking at each other and not a sound came out of their mouths.

"So... I know you said you didn't want to talk about it but-"
"And we're not going to..." Said Changbin, cutting him off.
"I know you don't want to but I'm really confused."
"There's nothing to be confused about."
"How could I not be confused?!"
"It was sudden and a fluke. What's there to be confused about?"
"Because I don't know what I feel anymore. I can't keep pretending it didn't happen..."

~ two weeks ago

Hyunjin silently sobbed, his chest close to his knees, clutching a bundle of tissues to wipe the tears that wouldn't stop falling from his eyes.
"HYUNJINNIE?!" He heard a voice call out.
"Here..." Hyunjin stammered loud enough for the latter to hear.
Changbin busted open Hyunjin's door and his heart instantly dropped. Right in front of his eyes, one of his closest friends was crying his heart out.
"Hyunjin... what happened?"
"Seungmin happened..."

Hyunjin spent the next few minutes ranting about how he was hanging out with Seungmin only to eventually meet up with Jeongin who Seungmin immediately was clingy with. Hyunjin felt so much like a third-wheel and it hurt how much more comfortable and happy Seungmin looked with Jeongin.

Every time he tried to insert himself in the conversation, he was ignored or shut down just to witness the two others be completely all over each other. Changbin held the younger in his arms and he couldn't help but cry along. His heart hurt for the boy.

It made him think. He was treating Felix the same way. Changbin felt guilty to say the least.
"Please don't cry over Seungmin."
"It just hurts a lot hyung..."
Changbin held the younger's face in his hands and stared deep in his eyes.
"You are enough. You deserve the best. Don't forget that..." Changbin softly whispered.
Before the two knew it, they were leaning in, eyes slowly closing, breathing in sync. The world was silent and calm for a moment.

Changbin opened his eyes and turned his head.
"I- I can't... you- you like Seungmin."
"You treat me so much better... and I- I think I like you Changbin." The older's eyes widened and the younger sighed. "And you like Felix... I'm sorry- I I don't know why I thought something was going to happen between us." Changbin slipped himself off the bed and Hyunjin just stared at him blankly.

"I think this whole thing was made us confused with our fake feelings and our real feelings." Changbin muttered.
"When can we talk it out and clear the air."
"C-can we not? I just- forget everything that just happened. Forget us, just focus on faking it."
"So you want me to pretend this never happened, continue to try make Felix jealous?"
Changbin reluctantly nodded.
"Yes." He firmly stated. Hyunjin scoffed.

"I really thought you changed. Even after breaking up with those all those girls, you're still a player, toying with hearts. You're still that Lover Boy."
Changbin left dumbfounded and with nothing to say, he simply furrowed his eyes brows and looked away. "Goodbye Hyunjin..."

The two then didn't make any sort of intentional contact for the next two weeks.

Lover Boy💔(A Changlix Story)Where stories live. Discover now