xlvii 😘

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SEUNGMIN was laying on his bed, staring at the ceiling for no particular reason. He was waiting for Hyunjin to come over and hang out. As he thought about their plans for later that day, he soon heard a knock on his dorm's door.
"COME IN!" He yelled and he heard the click of the door's lock and footsteps approaching his room.

"Hey Minnie... can I talk to you about something?" Hyunjin asked as he stood at the doorway. He looked straight into the younger's eyes and Seungmin immediately knew it was something important.
"Sure... i-is something wrong?" He stammered attempting to hide the fact he sort of felt nervous as to what was to come.

"Don't be scared, it's not bad news. Sorry if I scared you." Hyunjin softly chuckled as he rested an arm over his boyfriend's shoulders.
"What do you wanna talk about?" Seungmin replied, feeling 1000 times much more relaxed.
"I want to tell everyone about our relationship. We've been going out for 4 amazing months and I really think it's time."

The younger at first felt somewhat uneasy about the idea. But the look in the older's eyes... he couldn't say no to him. Seungmin smiled and he thought about the possible reactions from their friends.

"Sure... let's do it."

Hyunjin's eyes widened and Seungmin slapped his hand over his mouth immediately feeling his cheeks heat up. "AGH- that came out wrong- I mean- it's not like I wouldn't want to but- you know I- well-" The older giggled and pulled the younger in for a quick, sweet peck. "I mean... if you wanted to..."
"I would like to..."

The two sat in awkward silence [caw, caw, caw] for a little before deciding to talk about the topic later.


Jisung had decided to host a little party at his house because he felt like the group hadn't hung out together in a while. It had been about two weeks since the 8 of them had fun so, he thought why not get drunk and make bad decisions for one night.

"Are you sure we should have this party?" Chan asked as he set up the drink station. "Nothing good ever happens with our group mixed with a party and loads of alcohol." Jeongin laughed and he ran over to his boyfriend.
"Relax Channie-hyung, besides if anything goes wrong, I know we'll be able to handle it."

Minho soon joined the three, placing a soft kiss on Jisung's neck. "Yeah- I mean we'll never know what'll happen." Minho replied before taking a bag of chips and placing it on the table. "Oh- this is really random but- have you guys been in touch with Seungmin and Hyunjin? I feel like the two have been super busy for a while." The youngest asked.

Jisung and Minho snickered which definitely brought the attention of Jeongin and Chan.
"What's funny? Do you guys know why the two have been MIA a lot?" The couple glanced at each other and shook their heads. It wasn't their secret to tell.

"We're not sure, I think they've just been hanging out together." Jisung stated. Minho threw on the last of bag of an unhealthy, over processed snack on the table. "Well... it looks like everything is ready for this party." The four took a seat on the large couch and decided to rest as they waited for their friends to arrive.


"LIXIE! DID YOU STEAL MY CHAIN?!" Changbin yelled as he frantically looked all around his vanity. "Maybe~" Said Felix as he admired the silver chain around his neck. "Yongbok! I really thought I lost it!" Changbin sighed as he watched the younger fiddle with the jewellery.

"Well, I'm glad you can finally borrow my bracelets."
Changbin softly pecked Felix's wrist.
"Well, I'm glad I don't have my cast anymore."
"So I can't baby you anymore?" Changbin asked, adorably pouting. "You can do whatever you want with me." Felix winked and skipped away to the door.

To say the least, Changbin was speechless.

The older snapped out of his thoughts and joined the younger at the doorway, both slipping on their shoes. Felix admired Changbin from head to toe and he grinned.
"We should take photos together." The Australian grabbed his phone from his pocket and ushered the older to stand beside him. "Can we? Please~" Felix asked excitedly. "Fine..." The older replied.

After a few simple, various photos, the younger leaned towards Changbin and pressed his lips to his now reddened cheeks whilst snapping several photos. "Two can play that game..."

Felix pulled away and looked back on the photos of him kissing Changbin's cheek with a giggle.
"Is that so?" Felix propped his phone once again to take more photos. He gasped.

His eyes widened and he couldn't breath. At that moment, the older was behind Felix, Changbin's head had been resting on the younger's shoulder. Now, the older's lips were attached to his neck.

Felix profusely blushed as he took several photos, with a nervous expression painted on his face, whilst a smirk was on Changbin's. The older peppered sweet yet sensual kisses on the younger's neck, soon then nibbling playfully on Felix's ear.

"Binnie~ if you keep doing that, the others are going to see marks all over my neck. They'll be suspicious!"
"Well you didn't stop me and you started it." Changbin left Felix alone and walked out the door laughing. "That boy..." The younger brushed his fingers against his freshly kissed skin.

The Australia ran after the latter and they walked together hand in hand to Jisung and Jeongin's dorm.

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