lviii 🎟

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THE boy walked back to the dorm and Felix was no longer in his room anymore, Changbin immediately assumed Jake had already picked him up for their day together. The boy kicked his shoes off and jumped onto the black couch. Changbin soon decided to scroll through Instagram. He wasn't a big social media person but, it wasn't like he had anything better to do.

He mindlessly scrolled on the app, ever so often pausing to groan and whine when he saw cute and romantic photos of couples he knew. Changbin wanted that cheesy element in his relationship with Felix where they were complete lovey-dovey fools in love. It was cliché and others would call it pathetic and cringy but, he just wanted to be close to his boyfriend again.

He soon realised, he received a dm from a friend.




[Replied to your story]
You went to St. Xavier Café?!

Yeah I did

That's so cool!

I've been trying to go with
Minnie for a while but
we never find time, so we
just post mate McDonald's 😅


I only went because Felix's
dad invited me


Why so?

He uh- found something
in Lixies room

Y'all nasty asf

Don't pretend you and
Seungmin are any different





Tbh the whole group is nasty


Anygays... I'm bored asf

Why don't you go bother your
boyfriend like usual???

Haha so funny 😑

He's visiting some relatives
outside of town so I'm lonely
for the weekend 🥲

Lix is with Jake rn so do
you wanna hang out today?

Sure ig, I'll meet you
at your dorm in 5

*nvm 10



Changbin threw his phone carelessly onto the couch and stood up to change into a more comfortable outfit. He just changed into a t-shirt and switched to some jeans he had lying on the floor. Like Hyunjin promised, the younger soon arrived at the dorm.

"What do you wanna do?" The younger asked as he placed his jacket on a hook.
"I'm not sure but I have tickets for the art exhibit tonight, would you like to join me?" The older asked Hyunjin. "Really?! Thank you! Although... I can't help but wonder why you aren't going with Felix. It seems like a good date idea." Changbin sighed and he sat down onto the couch, fiddling with his phone in his hands.

"He's going on the tour with Jake right now and then after they're getting dinner and then after, Felix is staying over for the night." Hyunjin sat down, joining Changbin.
"You two haven't spent much time together since Felix's dad arrived, at school Felix is so much more on edge and paranoid over his schoolwork and even you seem really upset."
"I- I just want him to be happy but his happiness is the least of his concerns at the moment. He's putting his work over his own life..."

"I wish I knew how to give good advice, that's usually Chan's job but concerning relationships, that would be Minho and Jisung."
"I just don't really want to think about my boyfriend tonight..."
"Why? Did you two have a falling out?"

"Not really, lately I've just been feeling sort of ignored... not seen. Felix is so busy now and I'm extremely lonely and everytime I want to surprise him, he's always having extra shifts, more tutoring sessions or last minute plans with Jake. I feel like we're drifting apart and it makes me feel awful. I love him so much but I'm starting to think that..." Changbin stopped and swallowed dry.
"That what?" Hyunjin asked curiously.

"That he doesn't love me anymore..."

Hyunjin gasped and Changbin started to slowly cry and hiccuped as he tried to wipe away his tears that wouldn't stop coming. He couldn't control his emotions. He had been broken so many times in the last few months and he now felt helpless.

He wanted to believe there was still a chance for him and Felix to fix things but at this point, Changbin couldn't help but feel hopeless and abandoned. It was like he reached his limit and he couldn't go on any longer.

"I-I'm so sorry for ranting- I never intended on-"
"No, no it's okay. It seems like you've been holding your thoughts in for long time. I'm glad you're finally able to express what you've been feeling.

Please don't give up on your relationship and please try make it work no matter how difficult it may seem. All good things take time, like a butterfly.
Perhaps, you and Felix are in the 'cocoon stage'. It doesn't seem pretty and that nothing is happening, but you know that eventually everything will fall into place, I know it will."

Hyunjin then proceeded to do the most awkward jazz hands which made Changbin burst into immediate laughter.
"Pfffttt- you idiot... 'Jin, you don't give bad advice."
"Why thank you." The younger smiled, feeling quite accomplished that he cheered his friend up.
"How about we watch a movie and then we can go to the art exhibit?"

Hyunjin immediately tackled Changbin, taking the remote from his hands.


"It looked way better in person than in the photos." Changbin stammered. "I know right, I think I've developed a bigger appreciation for art. My personal favourite was the blue part of the exhibit, that one painting of the ocean was so realistic!"
"Mhm that one was also a favourite of mine... shall we get dinner?" Changbin asked the younger.
"We shall, I'm starving." Hyunjin replied.

They spent their dinner scrolling through the many photos that they had taken during their time at the art exhibit, enjoying their food, crying over their phone storage and having a great time with their best friend. They two genuinely never thought that the day would've gone this way, but they were so happy it did.

It allowed Hyunjin to forget his loneliness without his boyfriend around and for Changbin, he was able to take his mind of his doubts of his relationship with Felix.

This night is just what they both really needed.

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