lx 🔮

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A.N - If you have watched Avatar the Last Airbender, rewatch 'The Fortuneteller' (S1,E14) episode before or after reading this chapter. Ngl, one of my favourites overall 💛

"BUT Lix- isn't this gonna be a waste of money, I don't even believe in this stuff... do you even believe in horoscopes?" Changbin groaned as his boyfriend dragged him to the sketchy, dark purple building.

"Come on, wouldn't it be interesting to see what the psychic would say? You never know what could happen." Felix begged to the older who easily gave into the younger's charms.
"Fine... I really can never say no to you..."
The Australian nodded and opened the door for the two of themes we soon we they stepped in, a mystical looking woman (whatever that means) approached them and she smiled.

"Lee Felix and Seo Changbin, I've been expecting you..." She held her arms out and quickly shook the two's hands, greeting them warmly.
"H-how do you know out names, we are walk-ins..." Felix asked, slightly impressed but mainly scared.
"Oh never mind that- I've just been hearing messages from 'The Ones'..."
"'The Ones'?" Changbin retorted sceptically.
"That is correct my dear, now who will get their reading first?" The woman asked.

The two boys exchanged eye contact and Felix shrugged and faced the woman.
"I guess I'll go." The younger replied. The psychic ushered the Australian to a corner of the space, with large, ruby, velvet curtains hung from the ceiling, supposedly for privacy.
"What is important that is discussed in this space, will never leave these curtains."

Changbin suddenly felt a chill down his spine and the woman gave him a toothy grin where he could see the multiple teeth replaced with gold. "We won't be but a moment Changbin." The boy simply nodded and watched as the psychic slipped into the curtains as if she had been swallowed in, disappearing from his sight at the blink of an eye.

The boy didn't like the aura of the woman or the shop overall. From an initial impression, it looked cosy and warm with plenty of pillows, a station to make tea and a little corner with some other customers playing with cards at the back of the building. He decided to distract himself from the uneasy feeling in his stomach.

Changbin was quite good at socialising and he thought his boyfriend's reading would take a while.
He approached the other customers and took a seat.
The first thing that he immediately saw was the wide smiles or concerning frowns on the fellow patrons.

"Hello..." The boy said as he took a seat amongst the others. "Hi!" One of the happier ones said as he ushered Changbin to sit closer to the group.
"You seem in a cheery mood, good reading?"
"The best, Madame Verity said that my proposal will go absolutely perfect."
"And you believe her?"
"Why not? I've been preparing it for years and I know she's the one."

"If you say so, what about you?" Changbin asked, referring to the sadder looking girl.
"Madame Verity said my cat will pass away this week. Tuna has had some health issues, but I thought he was getting better... my mum called me about 10 minutes ago saying he had to be taken to the vet for an emergency."
"That's so unfortunate... I'm so sorry."

The next 10 minutes for so, or at least that's what it felt like, Changbin was discussing with the others about their readings and how they all seemed to fit well into their lives and it definitely sparked some sort of fear for the boy. What if Madame Verity said something terrible would happen to him, he didn't want to live the rest of his life on edge and superstitiously 24/7.

"Wait- I heard Madame Verity say what leaves the tent will never leave the curtains."
"She meant the really personal stuff like mental issues, we can talk about more public knowledge."
Another person chimed. "If you spill your guts to her, she won't tell another soul no matter who you are, how close to the person you may be."

"Thank you Madame Verity."
Changbin's head turned at the sound of a familiar voice. Felix bowed to the woman and walked away with a smile on his face.

"Lix! How was the reading?"
"Well, all the things she said were really nice but you were right, I don't really believe in this sort of stuff."
"What'd she say?" The younger tapped his chin and thought. "The vulture will leave the nest, the train will stop and she also sees a huge event of metamorphosis will occur for me."

"Wow... that's certainly intriguing."
"Yeah- I'm really not sure what it all means right now but I can't wait to see if it comes true."
"Well Seo Changbin, how about your reading?" Madame Verity asked from behind the older, surprisingly the two because they hadn't seen her join them. "S-sure!" Changbin stammered, attempting to hide his obvious nervousness.

Madame Verity took Changbin's hand gently and walked him to the velvet curtains, letting him go. "Now, I can tell you're very nervous." The boy scratched his neck "-and there's no reason to. I'm not going to tell you when you're going to die and every little depressing thing that will happen to you. I'm just wanting to help you move and get over whatever may be blocking you from being the best version of yourself."

Changbin nodded and the two stepped into the curtains, readying themselves for the reading.
Madame Verity was organising her equipment for her job, whilst the boy was internally freaking out.

What if Madame Verity told him something awful? What if Changbin would hear something he never wanted to know?
What if this very reading would be the start of a long chain of reactions that would lead to a life-changing moment?

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