ix 🍿

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CHANGBIN and Hyunjin decided to hang a little more after all the three had finished their coffees and talking. This left Felix walking alone to the dorms. The Australian felt extremely upset, maybe he should've told Changbin his developing feelings, maybe then he could've been the one currently on a date with the older.

Felix was walking up to his dorm to see Chan walking by the door. "Hey Chan-hyung! What are you doing here?" He asked. "Felix! I was actually looking for you, but you weren't in."
"What's up?" The younger asked.
"I wanted to see if you wanted to hang out, I'm hella bored and Seungmin is having a study session."
Felix smiled and held the older's hand.
"Of course I do." Chan smiled in return to Felix's response and the two decided to go catch a movie.

"One large buttered popcorn and 2 small cokes please." Chan paid for their snacks which Felix insisted that he would've paid for. "I'm not letting you pay for these." Chan had said when Felix had pulled out his credit card.
"I can't believe you paid for them yourself!" Felix frowned because he knew how much Chan had paid for the boy for the months they had spent together.
"If I want to pay for you, I will."


Changbin and Hyunjin ended up hanging out at a mall, talking about what school subjects they were looking forward to for the year.
"So~ how's Seungmin?" Changbin smugly asked as Hyunjin choked on his burger.
"I- uh- well- we've only met up at school and have had very pleasant and brief conversations."
"He doesn't even have your number?"
Hyunjin shook his head and continued to eat his meal.

"Ok- well Chan is Seungmin's roommate. You could ask him for his number. "
Hyunjin's eyes lit up and he smiled.
"You think that would work?" Said Hyunjin. "I know so, you can play it off as a wrong number situation and then have a conversation from there."
"Wow- thank you Changbin."

The two decided to do one last activity before going back home: watch a movie.
Hyunjin found the closest movie theatre from the mall and they selected the newest movie that was showing. They bought popcorn and various snacks and enjoyed the movie.


"I did not expect that!" Changbin exclaimed.
"Oh I did, it was crazy obvious." Hyunjin replied nonchalantly. "How?! That's literally impossible."
"He had a knife in his office at the beginning!"
"He did?"
"Oh... I should be more attentive."

"He had a knife in his office at the beginning!"
This comment took the two off guard and they watched Felix and Chan walking by.
"He did?" Felix replied confused.
"YES!" Chan exclaimed.
"Oh... I should be more attentive."
Chan ruffled Felix's hair and the two showed wide smiles to each other before exiting the theatre.

"Ok- so that just happened." Hyunjin stammered.
"Yeah... that was weird." Changbin muttered.
"Are Chan and Felix close?"
"Too close..."
Changbin suddenly felt jealousy burn through his body, his eyes at the verge of tears. He so desperately wanted to be in Chan's position. Why couldn't he be the one with Felix.

"Wait-" Hyunjin took Changbin's arm and loosely put it behind his head and over his shoulder. "Just walk by super nonchalantly. Act casual." Changbin nodded, but he had no idea to what he was agreeing to. His eyes widened when Hyunjin lead the two near the exit right where currently Felix and Chan were laughing hysterically together.

"Trust me..." Hyunjin whispered. He leaned his head onto Changbin's shoulder and the older went with it. Eventually the two 'couples' were facing each other.
Chan had his arm wrapped around Felix's waist and the two watched Hyunjin comfortably resting his head on Changbin's shoulder.
"Oh! Hey guys." Chan said to break to obvious awkward silence.

"Hey Chan." Said Hyunjin as he leaned off Changbin's shoulder and hung onto Changbin's muscular arm. He then looked at the younger.
"Hey Felix." Hyunjin smiled at Changbin for a moment and returned his gaze to see a fuming Felix.
"Hey Hyunjin." Said Felix as fake as possible. Despite how good of a person Felix had thought Hyunjin was, it was taking all of Felix's strength to avoid striking the older's face at that moment.

Chan noticed Felix's expression. A mix of disbelief, sadness, anger and jealousy. A light bulb went off in his brain. Chan slowly moved his arm to move the younger in front of him and he wrapped both of his arms around Felix's waist.
"Hyung- what are you doing?" Felix whispered to the older. "Just trust me- play along." Chan said before placing a soft kiss on top of Felix's head.

Hyunjin felt Changbin tense up at Chan's actions.
"Well- it was nice seeing you two, me and Changbinnie are gonna head off." Changbin just nodded and the two exited the movie theatre.

"Ok- so that just happened." Hyunjin sighed as he let go of Changbin's arm. "Are they together or something?" He asked.
"No- well- I don't think they are- but they- ugh... this is so frustrating." Changbin spat.
"Maybe Felix liked you back and now he's trying to go for Chan to move on." Hyunjin muttered.
"This is too much..." Changbin just walked away, if Hyunjin tried to walk after him, Changbin would run. This kept going until the younger gave up.

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