iv 🐺

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"THESE are amazing." Said Jisung before stuffing another brownie into his mouth.
"This is why we call him 'squirrel' or 'quokka'." Said Changbin as he pointed at Jisung's puffed cheeks.
Felix laughed and his hand made its way to in front of his mouth as he giggled, revealing his bruised wrist.

"Oh jeez- Felix, how did you get that? That looks nasty." Felix and Changbin glanced at each other for a quick second and Felix coughed. "Cheap bracelet, did a number on my wrists."
Changbin sighed softly in relief and Jisung nodded, simply brushing the thought away as he continued to enjoy the baked goods.

"Ugh... where is Chan?" Changbin rolled his eyes as he took another brownie.
"He's usually first to arrive, I don't know what's up with him today." Jisung replied.
"Who's this Chan guy?" I asked.
"Ah- he's kinda the leader of our group."
"He's like a caring dad." Jisung smiled.
"Should we watch a movie or something while we wait for him?" I asked.
The two nodded and we all ran to the the TV and attempted to steal the remote.

One movie later, Chan still hadn't arrived and Changbin and Jisung were now lowkey freaking out.
"Seriously..." Jisung said as he frantically spammed messages to the boy. "Where is Chan?!"
As if right on cue, the three could hear quick knocks on the door. "Yah! Took him along enough!" Exclaimed Changbin.

Felix opened the door and a very muscular guy with broad shoulders was standing in front of him.
"Sorry I'm late- I was over at a friend's house, the bus was super late and then there was a traffic and then I realised I lost my wallet and then-" The boy looked at Felix and they both stepped back in shock. "Wait- why do you look oddly familiar?" Said Chan as he examined the younger's face.
"Yeah... you also look strangely familiar." Felix replied, mirroring the latter's actions.

Chan soon laughed and he smiled widely.
"G'day Lix." Chan said in English and in his thick Aussie accent. "CHRISTOPHER!" Felix jumped onto the older and immediately pulled him into a tight hug. "I missed you so much!" Felix said as he felt himself slightly tear up. "I missed you too... I could recognise those freckles from anywhere."

"What's going on-" Said Changbin as he stared at the sobbing mess in front of him. Felix and Chan wiped their tears and smiled at each other.
"My name is Bang Chan."
"And I'm Felix."
"And we're from Australia!"
The two Australians laughed as they both had remembered their little introduction they had made up when they were so much younger.

"Oh! So you two know each other?" Asked Jisung.
"Chan was my childhood friend back in Australia before he moved to Korea."
"It's destiny." Chan softly petted Felix's head and the two were happier than ever.

"I would offer you a brownie but, Jisung and Changbin ate them all."
The two boys jokingly stuck their tongue out.
"That's a shame, you always made the best brownies. Did you finally perfect your recipe?" Chan laughed and they all sat on the couch.
"In my opinion, it's perfect." Jisung added.

"Why'd you move to Korea, Felix?"
"For education."
"Ah- nice... are you still dancing?"
Jisung and Changbin immediately turned their heads and their eyes were now on Felix.
"You dance?" Asked Jisung.
"Well- I do- did uh... it's been a while."
"Do please show us." Changbin grinned.

Felix scrolled on Spotify until he found the perfect song. The other three boys laughed hysterically when 'What Is Love' started blasting from the younger's phone. It was even more funny was how serious Felix was looking as he danced. They were all having a great time.

"OK OK OK!" Changbin dragged Felix down to the couch once the song ended. "NO MORE!"
"How about we get some food?" Changbin asked.
"I'm HUNGRYYY!~" He whined.
"You're always hungry!" Felix retorted.
The four of them laughed and Changbin dragged the others to a nearby restaurant.


The food had just arrived.
"Wow- this looks amazing." Said Jisung in awe.
"Let's enjoy!" Said Changbin with a huge smile.
Felix rolled up his sleeves to start filling his plate with the wonderful meal infront of him.
Chan's eyes widened when he noticed the large dark bruises on Felix's wrists.

"Wait- Felix... what the- what happened to your wrists?!" Chan whisper-yelled.
Once again, Changbin and Felix exchanged looks.
"This bracelet- tightened too much and-"
"That's not possible- it wouldn't have caused that much bruising. Did someone hurt you?"

Jisung's head flicked up and he looked at Felix once more who know was completely dumbfounded.
"S-so you lied?" The boy stuttered.
"I swear- I'm totally okay! It was all crazy and a huge mess." Felix said attempting to calm the two down. Changbin was just watching this all play out in front of him. He was feeling extremely guilty.

Felix who was right next to the older noticed that tears had formed in Changbin's eyes and he squeezed his thigh under the table for assurance. Changbin felt happier and calmer and those tears had soon disappeared. "You should ice those as soon as possible when you get back to the dorms." Said Chan as he stared at Felix's wrists.
"Sure dad." Said Felix as he jokingly rolled his eyes.

"Felix I'm being serious." Chan said sternly. Felix's smile dropped and he nodded. "Yeah- yeah... of course. I will." The rest of the dinner was filled with silence except for the occasional 'could you pass me another spoon?' or 'may I have another glass of water?'. Overall the perfect word to describe the atmosphere was: awkward.

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