xxi 🧇

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FELIX woke up from a wonderful sleep. He felt very refreshed and relaxed. He had a wonderful dream, a dream that both excited and confused him. Was it even a dream? It was a weird experience. He knew Changbin had been in his room to tuck him in, but he could've sworn Changbin had said some other things too. Or was what he said in his dream? Or did he not say anything at all?

Although, he swore he heard the older mutter something that now kept ringing in his ears repeatedly. "If I kissed you sober... would've you kissed me back?"

Even the thought of Changbin saying those words to Felix in his imagination made his heart flutter.
"LIXIE! BREAKFAST!" He heard the older yell.
Felix immediately jumped from his bed and raced to the kitchen. His nose was filled with a sweet smell. Waffles. "You made waffles?" Felix beamed before taking a seat at the table. "Yup, don't worry now eggshells in sight." Changbin said as he placed a plate with 2 freshly made waffles.

"Thank you Binnie." Felix took a bite of the food and he immediately lit up. "Are they good?" Chain asked as he examined the joyful look on the younger's face.
"They're delicious!" Felix exclaimed before enabling the rest of his breakfast.
"Did you have a good sleep Lix?"
Felix hummed in response. "Yeah, I think my wonderful roommate tucked me in." Changbin laughed to distract Felix from his blushing red cheeks. Changbin ruffled the younger's bed hair.
"We're leaving in 15." Felix smiled at the older before going back to his room to change.

He couldn't stop thinking about the night before or just then at breakfast. It made Felix forget about everyone and everything. Why did Changbin have to treat him so well, why did he have to look at him like that, give such jealous looks when he was with close to Chan. It was moments like these that made Felix wonder what Changbin's true feelings were for him.


Changbin had finished getting ready and he waited for Felix whilst sitting on the couch, scrolling on his phone. His mind was racing. Felix and him had been roommates for almost 4 months. The 'old Changbin' would've easily had Felix but he had changed, changed in a good way. He was much kinder and compassionate to his friends. He wanted everyone to be treated the most absolute best. Felix changed him, he liked who he had become.

Time slowly ticked by as he waited for Felix to change, Changbin kept thinking about the song he had been secretly writing. 'Cause I Like You'. He was really close to finishing writing the lyrics but he still had a few gaps to fill, he just didn't know how. Everytime he tried to scan his brain for ideas, nothing came up. Completely blank. He couldn't ask for help from his fellow 3RACHA members, that would've been too embarrassing.

Soon, Felix walked out of his room in his uniform and his hair now not a complete mess. Changbin slightly blushed from the younger's impeccable looks. "You ready to go?" Changbin said nonchalantly. "Yeah- oh wait..." Felix nervously chuckled. "I uh- kind of promised Chan I would walk with him to school you could tag along I guess."
Changbin frowned, there was no way he was going to be third wheel. He didn't want to witness Chan flirting or Felix's clinginess.
"Nah- it's okay, I'll just go by myself."
"Are you sure?"
"Of course, you better go soon."

Felix smiled and he pinched Changbin's cheeks.
"See ya Binnie~" Felix left a now red-faced and flustered Changbin as he had now left the dorm. The older was in such a shocked state, he had forgotten how to function. Did Felix just flirt with him? Damn was this boy confusing.

Changbin really wanted Felix to like him back. He wasn't completely sure where they stood. Sometimes it felt like Felix was jealous when he and Hyunjin were close. But he was still so flirty with Chan, did he like Chan or something? Changbin couldn't focus on that, he had few time to get to the schools campus.


Felix and Chan walked into the school and soon split ways to attend their seperate classes. They had shared a pleasant conversation about Chan's crush and the possibility of Chan admitting his feelings. They too also had talked about their plan of making Changbin jealous which seemed to have been working, but they both still weren't completely sure.

Now Felix had took a seat near the front of the class and he started to unpack his things like his textbook and pencil case but he frowned when he recognised a notebook on the desk beside him. It was Hyunjin's. He then looked to other side and he saw Choi San sitting next to him.

What a wonderful way to start the school day.

Felix slowly sunk in his chair, trying to calm himself down when he realised the rest of the desks had already been taken.


The whole lesson, Felix struggled to pay attention. He had the guy who was being too close to his crush on one side and a homophobic dick head on the other. Hyunjin of course as the 'normal' person he was, he would occasionally ask for help from Felix or ask to borrow stationary, completely unaware of Felix's little (colossal) vendetta against him.

What shocked Felix was that San didn't take any sort of chance to humiliate the boy, instead he was attentive, taking careful notes but Felix could tell something was on his mind. He just didn't know what could possibly be going through his head.

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